Wrackdoom as Radiant HoloMax | My version

Hello Holozing Community Community

Hello everyone

Meet me again at this meeting. I will take part in a contest held in this community. I am happy to be able to participate in this challenge because in the current version, although it is very difficult for me to do, I will try to participate and enliven this contest and of course this requires a lot of time. and I have to learn that to achieve it.

On this occasion I will take a theme entitled Wrackdoom as Radiant HoloMax I prefer some of these, it doesn't mean that many of them don't like and are not interesting to me, but this is more interesting than the others and of course for the first participation I have to follow my tastes.

To draw and paint according to this choice of image, I actually can't, but I try my best to make it similar to the original. This is an extraordinary challenge, not like that before, but I have tried well. Here I will explain it one by one step by step. what I did to all of you. Hopefully you can enjoy it well and like it

Ingredients used

  • Picture books
  • Pencil
  • Color wood pencil

How to make it

The first thing I have to do is to draw the character of the creature I created. Of course, this creature is called Wrackdoom.

then I took a purple colored pencil to color in the oversized tail and on top of the head

then I colored it with a black pencil and colored the hands and feet as well as under the eyes to look similar to the original

Then I took pink to color it on top of the tail

Then I took navy color to color part of the tail

Yes, I took purple, which is a brighter pencil color because this purple color looks more prominent than the others.

then I collected several colors to be more similar to authenticity than HoloMax, namely orange, blue, red, pink

then we will color the top with several colors too and here is an interesting collection of colors on the top of the head, namely yellow, red, blue and pink

all the steps that I learned and I continue to persevere well actually it's not that we can't but we don't want to and I always try and the end is satisfying and of course this will entertain us all. Here are some pictures of the results

that's my newest work friends to entertain you all I hope this is really interesting and really enjoy it because it's quite tiring to make it and finally my patience is reached happily


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12

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