Achieved 14K Staked Zing Milestone and my Strategy Ahead

Holozing is the new upcoming game on Hive and the kind of response its getting from the community is great. The token distribution was started in October and it's been over a month time and since then this has been going pretty well. In the beginning, I was expecting that the token price would drop because probably people would start selling off which usually happens in many projects. I have to mention that people at Holojing have different approaches and they do not want to sell and it is because they want to stay invested in the game. After all, the best of the game is not even revealed now.


The game is just announced and we have token distribution ongoing as of now but we do not know what the game will be like. We have a kind of sneak peek of some stuff in the game but we do not know exactly how much is it going to be and I think this could be the reason why more people are excited about it because they want to know it as soon as possible. This has already been announced that the game will be going live in the first quarter of 2024 and the starter sale will be happening somewhere around Christmas. In that case, we are almost a month away from the starter pack sale which will be called Healer and will be NFT. It's a play to earn a game and there will be some sort of Nfts that will be playing a key role in the game. There will also be some creatures and different assets in the game that will be used but for now, no such information is available however I hope that the team will be sharing it soon.


14k Zing Staked

Now let's talk about the balance that I have accumulated in more than one month. The token distribution was started effective 21st October and I did my delegation before that because I did not want to miss this opportunity. Delegation is one of the important reward options in the game and I am happy that I have done it on time. I get a good number of tokens through my HP delegation and the APR is also pretty good even now. When I started that time the APR was excellent. The current HP delegation reward is approximately 57% and this has been falling continuously but I believe the current rate is also not bad considering what we are getting through the curation.


As of now, I have 14K Zing tokens staked. The other good thing is that this stake is earning an APR of 92% so everywhere we can see lot of apps are going on which I think is a great opportunity for us in this project.


Multiple Ways to Earn Zing

Yes, we have multiple ways to earn the game token as of now including some of the easy ways that can be considered as Hive Power delegation. I can't say whether all these will be available for a long time but for now, the team has made it available for the community and we should be able to take part and earn as much as we can.


  • ZING Staking-Whatever zing token we keep as a stake will be earning and APR of 92% and this is great I would say because this will increase the overall holding by just keeping the tokens in staked form.

  • HP Delegation- It's one of the best ways to earn more tokens for the community because most of us have some HP and whatever we delegate will get us tokens. This APR is dropping faster because more people are participating but I hope even the current rate is good enough and worth jumping on the train to start earning.

  • Liquidity Pool- This is one of the methods that we can use if we provide liquidity in the pool and I did it a couple of weeks back which is getting me some liquid tokens every day. I see some reduction in the daily reward and this is also because more people are participating in the pool and it happens. Undoubtedly it is a good way to earn a good number of tokens every day but the only problem could be the impermanent loss which occurs when one token loses its value drastically in the market. In that case, the other token is adjusted accordingly and this is the reason why we need to be careful here. The APR is massive here which is more than 500 percent and I don't think there could be another way offering this much of returns.

Provide liquidity in the ZING: SWAP.HIVE pool and earn rewards.

  • POSH Balance- Here comes another way to earn a significant reward and technically you don't need to do anything because just keeping the token in your wallet lets you earn this fantastic reward. I call it fantastic because the APR is 238% and this looks quite stable at this range which is probably because not many people hold POSH tokens in their wallet. Now the price of this token has already increased and probably many people are not buying because of the higher entries but if you are holding the token then you should be happy because it is helping you get more tokens in a day by doing nothing by holding.

My Zing Goal & Strategy

I had no goal when I started but now I have. I do not want to set up a bigger goal as of now however I'll continue to increase over time because this is how I will be trying to grow my holding. Now this time I have 14K tokens so the next milestone for me would be making it 25K. This will take some time for me because I am slightly more than halfway however I will be trying my best to accumulate as much as I can through all the possible ways. I can also try buying in the market if there is a good buying deal but I see that the prices are slightly in this stable range and not fluctuating much. This is good for the project because people believe in the game for the long term but for buyers like me, it is not good however I still keep an eye on the price so whenever I see some great deal we will be trying to make it as soon as it is available. My strategy is going to be the same: build a decent Zing tokens holding.


As of now, I don't know how the use case will be in the game but this has already been shared by the team that the token is going to get a fantastic utility in the game. When the game is launched then its obvious more people will be buying the token because by that time they know the use case of the token in the game but that would be a bt late to bag more. I expect that by that time the price will also shoot up for the token and this is the reason why now is the better time to have more tokens through different ways as well as from the market because I don't expect any big deep in price since most of the people are here for the long term.

Here I share some handy Links that you can access for more details about the game:-

official Website-
Main account for the HoloZing Game- @holozing
Delegation account- @zingtoken

Images are taken from website

Thank you

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