Holozing Traits Contest: Male Ocean Healer - Traits, Clothes and Accessories

Good day, folks. Today, I wanna share yet another Traits fanart of Holozing Healers, but there's a little pitch - this time it's the MALE Ocean Healer. You see, the trait fanart I've done up until now were of female Healers and I think there's not much recognition for their male counterparts, so I thought why not give them a little spotlight in my next Holozing post :D

Now onto the traits I've designed for him...

Ear Fins (?)

Since he's an aquatic healer, I thought giving him fin-like ears could be a nice idea. It could either be purely cosmetic, or maybe have some buff/debuff pair in-game while playing, but I guess that'd be up to the devs.

Alternate Robe

As the main dish for clothing trait, I gave him a robe-ish kind of overalls (it kinda looks like fish skin in a sense too, iyam). The blue ribbons around him went well with his clothes - it could also be an indication that his skill is active or not...

Blizzard-ish Aura

Another thing I added late in the process of finishing him up was the blizzard and that wind-like aura around him. I think auras can be an addition to the game and be skills that buff monsters, increase healing, etc while having some cooldown. And those skills manifest as auras in player profile pic or smthn...

Anyways, here's the full process of my Male Ocean Healer in the making...

The Process

The Result

And this is how he ended up looking like in the end. I reminisce about Lich King vibes from World of Warcraft when I look at his color palette... I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did while drawing him... Cheers~~

Original Game Art

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