Holozing Fanart: Female Ocean Healer

Hello there, everyone. I hope this post finds you well. Last night I had a little spark of an idea for a Holozing Ocean Healer Fanart. I did a quick sketch of it before calling it a day since it was pretty late at night and I didn't want to forget any of the ideas I had the night before, so I jotted down everything I could and left it for the next day.

This morning, I gave it another thought and did some modifications to improve the sketch before drawing her, and you can see the sketch below (the first pic).

I doubled down on my new technique of drawing hair and made a part of her hair sway in the air so that I could work with more strands and put some focus on that part.

After adding the background, the drawing felt empty, so I added some ice crystals around her as if she were summoning a blizzard. I also made her staff glow brightly so that the effect of her seeming to summon a blizzard would be more prominent.

But even more than the items I added to the drawing, I'm more satisfied with how the textures, her skin, hair, and everything turned out. What do you think? Let me know in the comments, or if you have any suggestions or improvements!

I hope you enjoyed today's fanart as well. I'll see you all in the next one... cheers~

The Process

The Result

Original Game Art

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