Holozing.com stats & some of our current work


logo created by @rubencress

Hey everyone!

Been a while since I've posted as I've been and am still currently traveling for something unrelated to the project but wanted to take the time to write a quick post about some things regarding the game as I've still kept myself busy getting people together and working on certain Zing stuff.

I wanna start this post off with some cool stats the team wanted to share with you all of the website traffic and also thank everyone getting involed in the project, we're just shy off of 3M HP in delegation after a few weeks of launch which is quite crazy considering there's only like 400m Hive in existence and half is liquid.

Bear in mind these stats are only since a few days ago when @asgarth set up the analytics.


This chart is for today in comparison.


This I guess represents Hive quite well too, the only outlier seems to be the Spanish community not being as active with Zing compared to Hive.


We're looking forward to seeing these numbers grow over time and for when they do, we want to be ready to welcome them to Zing and Hive!

To do that, we're going to be implementing a metamask login to give people guest accounts where they in the future when the game is in beta, will be able to test the game out with "tutorial"/"temporary" assets until they decide to buy a healer and starter pack. Doing so will then enable the creation of a free Hive account that will link to their metamask/guest account and they'll be given a quick warning about keys and how they work, why they should save them properly and of course suggest to download keychain. The Hive account will be a must for them to be able to trade and transfer assets and tokens.

This will also enable us to accept purchases in other coins on Holozing.com when the starter sale launches as we want as many people to be involved as possible for the "genesis" "packs". I realize I'm quoting quite a few words here but many of them have yet to be decided on names since they won't technically be packs and the starter sale might have a different name.

With the starter sale we also want to introduce referral rewards to accounts but we're thinking about the best way to go about that as well as we don't want random people to go around spamming them and put our project in a bad light but instead only give them out to holders of zing/assets that have some skin in the game to mitigate abuse. Which means it'll most likely grow from within to the outside space. We have some cool ideas for some referral tactics I think the community will like, especially considering how unique they are and hope to share more of that with you soon.

In terms of other developments, we're still working on the card design with outsourced artists and continuously working on the game logic to have most implementations ready for closed alpha with borrowed assets we want a selected few to try and help us balance and fine-tune the starter creatures and healers.

There's a lot more to say about what I've written about here today but I'm both short on time currently and I think some of them are better presented when deployed than discussed prior, so I'll leave it at that. :D

Hope you're all doing well and having fun claiming zing as the website analytics indicate. :D

Looking forward to share more with you all soon!

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