Announcing Rise of the Pixels - Unlock Your Inner Game Developer

Journey to the Pixelverse: A New Hive Game Awaits

In a reality parallel from our own exists a place called the "Pixelverse" — a unique realm at the cusp of a digital renaissance, bursting with vibrant hues, eclectic beings, and endless opportunities. Until recently, this world had never known video games. But now, the Pixelverse’s game dev scene has blossomed and sends a clarion call to you for your expertise.

Experienced gamers, game designers, and devs from Earth are headed over to the Pixelverse to answer this call. Our new friends are ready and excited to see what people from our realm can offer. The beings there are signing up by the thousands for a chance to work for you in your studio.

Together, we shall bring forth the...

...Rise of the Pixels


🎮 Gameplay Overview

In this Hive-powered browser game, you take the reins of a burgeoning game studio. You must recruit and nurture a team, equip them properly, build your reputation, and secure a steady stream of $PXL income to continue to grow.

🙋 Assemble Your Team

You'll assemble a talented team of NFT developers and designers to bring your game ideas to life. Pay attention to their speed, skills, and cost. Assign the right people, swap workers with other players, and optimize towards the kind of studio you want to run.

As workers gain experience, you’ll unlock unique traits that will help you to bring your ideal game to life. Eventually, workers will mature and retire, and act as valuable mentors to the next cohort of talent.

The beings in the Pixelverse may look human... but they also have some very alien capabilities. For example, it is possible for them to undergo "Fusion," which takes into consideration their names and look. Learning the art of Fusion will give any aspiring studio manager an edge.

Assemble a Top Talent Team

🌟 Craft Epic Games

Every game your studio works to create is unique, borne of your directorial prowess and the ability of your team to execute (and maybe a little bit of luck). Not only must you name and describe your game titles (as the game will penalize you for being lazy here) you will need to meticulously fine-tune the parameters of the games' development.

Based on your chosen dev team, you will weight the effort of time and resources spent on:

  • Game engine
  • Graphics
  • Dialogue
  • Story quest
  • ...and much, much more :)

Craft Your Masterpiece

🧠 Dynamic AI-Driven Behavior

The in-game world evolves in real-time, adapting to player choices and market trends. Game ratings and reviews are dynamically generated assessed by AI based on your decisions. Of note, AI platforms have assisted in much of the of the Rise of the Pixel's content.

💼 Expand Your Empire

Success breeds success. As your games gain popularity and the $PXL starts to flow, expand your studio, train your workers, scout the marketplace to hire more talented individuals, and take on grander projects. Equip your team members with the best cutting edge accessories, engage in trading, and enter competitive events to propel your studio to new heights.

Equip your team with the best gadgets

🌐 Embrace the Power of Web3

Powered by the Hive blockchain the game allows players to own their $PXL tokens, NFTs and trade them on the marketplace. Each team member and each accessory is an unique item with its own stats and abilities.

While the game engine is built on Hive the team is looking forward to support more platform and blockchains in the future, allowing more Web3 players to join and play.

🪙 Game Economics

We modelled the game economics and the reward pools to be similar to the real game development world. More details will be available in a later post, but for now we want to share some basic principles:

  • The game is based on 2 main currencies: "$PXL tokens" and "PXL coins".
  • The "$PXL token" is main game token and will be supported (but not limited) on Hive Engine.
  • "PXL coins" are an in-game currency received by players when opening packs. Coins cannot be withdrawn, traded, or transferred to other players
  • The only ways to obtain "$PXL tokens" is as game rewards. Going forward the $PXL tokens will be supported by the game NFT marketplace protocol
  • The creators of Rise of the Pixels will not get a share of the token distribution (but reserve the right to allocate some tokens to benefit the community)
  • There will be no pre-sale or token distribution before the game launch
  • Creating a game will cost $PXL tokens (or coins). All respectable game development studios must pay their workers!
  • Research, training and advanced recruiting will cost $PXL
  • After releasing a game the player will earn $PXL rewards over time based on the game's rating and reviews.

👾 The 8-Bit Era

The Pixelverse is still in a very early stage of its journey. Their technology is akin to Earth’s 1980’s, and it’s up to us here to help accelerate them through the ages. As Rise of the Pixels evolves, so too will the eras in the game. Specifically, when all the packs from the 8-bit era are sold, we will start the process of transitioning to the next era, and so on.

Today, you have the opportunity to grab some of the first edition characters and gadgets of The "8-Bit" era. Not only will this set be the most limited in terms of number of NFTs, but over time it stands to become the most cumulatively powerful as the eras advance.

🗓 Release Schedule and Beta Testing

Our team had been busy working on this project for quite a while and we are eager to share as much of the game as possible with the community to start gathering your feedback.

We plan to start the official pack sales as early as next week and invite players to a Beta test phase shortly after!

🧪 Here’s exactly how Beta works

We look forward in engage the Hive gamer community to gather feedback and suggestions. The whole point of this phase is to be sure we have a fine tuned game with good mechanics ready for the official launch.

  • Purchasing a Game Dev Studio License will grant access to the open Beta
  • During the Beta you will be able to play the game with a multiple of the actual packs you purchased (starting at 2x, eventually increased at some point)
  • All actions performed during the Beta will not have any effect on the real game at launch. Opening a pack containing a legendary NFT will not grant you the same NFT after the official game launch
  • The Beta server will have all kinds of playable elements, including a test token called $PXL_BETA
  • New features will be incrementally released during the Beta. As we get closer to the official launch you will be able to enjoy more game mechanics as well as the basic game loop
  • Beta Testing will involve server resets. This means progress will periodically be rolled back to zero as we iron out the kinks and smash the bugs.

Additional notes on the $PXL token during the BETA phase:

  • The token will not be awarded as reward during the Beta
  • Tokens withdraw will not be enabled (the $PXL_BETA token does not exist outside of the game)

📖 Looks great, but where can I learn more?

More posts and details will follow in the next few days as we get closer to the official pack sales. Meanwhile we are also working to complete the first draft of the game "rulebook" (our own take on a web3 game whitepaper).

If you are eager to engage with the team and share your early feedback feel free to reach out in our Discord:

Meet the Team

Our Team

@asgarth - Random Code Generator

Remember the 90s, when blowing into game cartridges was a thing and every day was a quest to save the virtual world? That was @asgarth’s playground.

Fast forward to the 2000s, and he swapped his gamepad for a keyboard. Starting from the ground up, he dove headfirst into the world of software development. Later on, he’d delve into web3. He brought with him the same tenacity he had while navigating 16-bit landscapes, only this time, he was coding his own adventures.

@jarvie - Artworks, AI, and Mechanics Advisor

Journey back to a time when every click of a camera was a discovery, every new technology a frontier to explore. That's where @jarvie began, in a world where images told stories and technology was a canvas for creativity. From weaving dreams through the lens to navigating the vast oceans of the digital world, his path has been one of endless curiosity and innovation.

His support for @asgarth's grand vision intertwines with his own drive for innovation and mental stimulation ensuring the game not only captivates the players' imagination but also offers a seamless, thought-provoking experience.

@yozen - Developer

Once the maestro of math and science, he has traded in his whiteboard for the wild world of web development. From equations to code, he's now on a quest to ensure glitch-free virtual realms and hilariously debugged experiences.

Forget theorems; @ozen's new constants are coffee and the occasional debugging-induced hair pull. In this web development wonderland, he wraps the code like a Christmas gift, fine-tuning and debugging to contribute to the seamless progress of a project.

@jfuji - Word Wrangler and Mechanics Advisor

Words are tricksy creatures. Especially when expressing themselves in the English form. How on Earth is “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo,” a grammatically acceptable sentence in this language? Maybe we’re the aliens.

Anyway—@jfuji’s job is to make sure the words make as much sense as possible, convey important information while being entertaining, and help our AI friends get better at the job as well. He also advises on general game design, mechanics, and incentive structures.


The Rise Of The Pixels Team

Check out the official website:
Follow us on Hive: @riseofthepixels/
Join us on Discord:

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