Genus Rhinaria

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Genus Rhinaria12-05-2024Sawang - Aceh Utara

on an expedition that I just carried out in the forest near my house, I discovered a new species of the genus rhinaria which has a beautiful and aggressive appearance, the rhinaria genus is one of the rare species in my city and I still have very little knowledge about this insect, and therefore I have to learn more about this species so that I can come to some conclusions that I can share with all of you.

for the name of the species that was obtained automatically in the inaturalist community which was posted by a previous user, but I want to explain a little about this species, so all parts of the body of this species have a unique pattern, namely black and white which forms a grid pattern, while the head This species has a slight resemblance to leaf-footed insects, while in terms of size, this species is small compared to the insects I have found in the tropical forest near my house, so if you have a deep understanding of this species, I hope you can share your understanding with me.

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Camera usedSmartphone
LocationSawang - Aceh Utara
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