Walang Sangit

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Walang Sangit14.07.2024North Aceh Regency, Aceh, Indonesia

On that calm afternoon, I decided to spend time in the city, looking for unique moments that could be immortalized through a macro lens in bright weather with soft sunlight.

I walked slowly, pointing out every little detail around, hoping to find something interesting. My footsteps stopped near a bush, when my eyes caught a small movement in the leaves. There you could clearly see a stinging grasshopper with a blackish brown body and transparent wings.

I slowly raised the Camera and focused on the insect. The challenge of photographing macro is to get perfect details without disturbing the subject. I held my breath, waiting for the right moment, the grasshopper moved slowly, as if it knew that it was the star of the photo shoot that afternoon.

I managed to capture some amazing shots, highlighting the subtle texture of its wings, detailed eyes, and moving antennae. The sunlight falling on her body gives a dramatic effect, adding beauty to the photo.

I am very excited to share these shots with the nature watching community, hoping to inspire others to see the hidden beauty around us and appreciate every little creature that is part of the ecosystem.

NOTE: I first wrote the article above in Indonesian, which is my own language, then I translated it using English with the help of Goggle.

Camera usedSmartphones
ISO speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyWalang Sangit
LocationAceh Indonesia

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