First cold frames for the winter

It's winter. Pine needles have fallen all over my yard, and the frost has ensured nothing else grows.

Time to build cold frames.


This past weekend was a busy one for me. I finished building my monstrous Rabbit Hotel that is a 4 x 4 house with a 12 x 4 run.

Here's a picture of it.


And I also finished converting the old chicken run, into a large chicken barn with the new 12 x 8 run attached to it!

It sure isn't pretty, but it's functional

So since these two very large projects are finally complete, I can begin work on the other projects I have on my list. Cold frames and the fence.

The cold frames are relatively easy, and I can make them from scrap wood I have around the house.

If you are unfamiliar with cold frames, they are mini greenhouses made from old windows, so that you can grow vegetables over the winter.

I have a pile of cull lumber I grabbed from the local hardware store, so I grabbed a couple of those pieces of wood and started screwing them together.


I cut up some 2 x 2's to provide extra support on the inside.


And I grabbed a 2 x 4, marked a 45 degree line down to the other side and ripped it.

The cut wasn't perfect, but this is going to hold soil, and so when you're making these, remember that it doesn't really matter if it isn't perfect.


I then screwed in a 2 x 4 to the back, allowing space for me to later attach hinges for the window.


And then I placed the window on top to see what it would look like once I place the hinges.



That's 1 out of 4 done!

Next thing I'll do is to get these in the garden beds, fill them with soil, and get some fresh veggies over the winter.

This project didn't take me too long, and I was glad to see a finished project in a short amount of time, as opposed to working on something for weeks or months.

Let me know if you have built cold frames using another method. Mine is very simple, and it gets the job done.

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