Small Boxes Made of Card Papers

Welcome to my blog I hope you are all well. Today my sister asked me to make some small card paper boxes because she has to put Edi in these boxes and give them to her friends. I didn't go to college today so I volunteered to do this

Boxes and Creativity

I made them at night because I feel comfortable. My sister asked me to make six boxes and I had five different colored card papers. I made the covers and flowers of all these boxes in different colors because I thought they would look more beautiful that way

Items needed to make these boxes

  • Card Papers
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Stapler
  • Scale


Step 1

First we will cut the card paper into a square shape. Whatever size box you want to make, you'll cut it out but it should be square in shape. Then you'll highlight nine small squares in it. Don't cut them, just highlight them. The easiest way I am telling you is that you have to first draw three vertical lines and then draw three horizontal lines so that nine boxes will be highlighted easily

Look at this picture and you will understand easily how to do it. Then you have to cut two lines from the first line and two lines from the last line as I have shown you in this picture

Step 2

Now we will stick it with the help of glue and make the shape of the box. In the pictures you can see how I attached them with glue

I watched a YouTube video on how to make these boxes. It was a tough task for me but still I got these boxes ready in three hours

Similarly I made all the boxes with different colors

Step 3

Now we will make the covers of these boxes. First, cut a wide-shaped piece of card paper slightly larger than the size of the box. After that, we will make a small cut from its four corners and fold them together with glue

Step 4

Now we will cut two long and thin strips of card paper and stick with the help of glue in a cross shape on top of the cover

Now we will again cut two strips of card paper but these strips should be slightly wider than the previous strips. Because the flower will be more beautiful with bit wide stripes. By folding these two strips we will make a flower shape. You can see in the picture how I made it and then I will attach it to the cover with a stapler

I tried to explain well how to make these boxes but if you still don't understand anything, you can watch the video how I made it. My sister helped me make the video

Final Look

  • You can ask me any question related to this boxes in my comment section. My comment section is always open for you guys and I always reply

Thank you for Glancing on my blog and remember me always with best wishes✨

All Pictures are @sahi1

Connect to Discord: @sahi1

Made With Canva

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