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Crafty Era: Utilizing Indigenous Materials to Make Bookmarks.

Good day to the ever-vibrant Hive community, This is madimoire again paving the way to share some experience with y'all, As the classes have been starting to get hectic with their highly packed schedules and projects, here I am about to share with you our first project for this school year in our Indigenous Creative Crafts subject which is the Bookmark Making using Indigenous Materials.

We've only been given days to find the Indigenous Materials that we can use and yet here in our community there is only a limited material that can be found which is why mostly we have only corn leaf, coconut fiber, some seashells and woven mat and even some rattan.

As we were trying to craft the bookmark, it was confusing at first as to which design should we make since our Professor had given us a set of criteria that we needed to observe in the making of the bookmark, Our time for the subject was only for two hours and things had been so distressing since we lack the basic materials to make a great craft.

The best thing that we have in the classroom is that we get to share and be collaborative with our classmates ever than before, we get to share our materials and we also utilize all the things that look Indigenous in the classroom it was truly a fun experience and me, on the other hand, feel baffled since the materials that I had won't be enough to let me make the bookmark that I visualize for myself.

The two hours had been the busiest hours that we had ever since the new school year had started, it was hard to find relaxation and breathe with ease in mind between those times and it was even more pressuring for our Professor had been surveying our work throughout the whole process, I was even unable to photograph the step by step process of the making since I was too busy at that and the hour was only limited.

It was later on that we found out that we needed to make a quote that would coincide its thought with our university's vision, mission, goals and outcomes. We were all too engrossed in the making of the bookmark that time seemed to end in a flash, my design was so random, that I never even got to make the thing that I had visualized myself doing since I lacked the necessary materials to do so.

I had only made the most of the materials that our classmates had and utilized the simple materials I had acquired during the days we were told to search for the essentials that we might use. Overall, even if it was a long process and a tiring one if I must say but I feel productive to be able to do something on my own, We've still got a long way to go for this subject and I could already expect that this would be costly yet I hope I could still be able to learn something new and have a little bit of fun with those people that surround me.

It was a worthwhile experience that sparked the way for our new subject and school year, soon enough our next projects would be basketry and weaving, pottery and even wood sculpture, We had spent our two hours in the most meaningful way possible for this day.

That's it for my blog, I hope that you've enjoyed reading it, and I hope that you all will have a nice day ahead, Thank you.