Making pumpkins from origami paper

Welcome back to me at this meeting, I am sharing a new work and of course this is very interesting, with its good appearance, this fruit is also rare for us to find, so I think or think about creating this fruit so that we can easily find it everywhere.

Pumpkin fruit is a plant that is considered a young plant but is a plant that is difficult for farmers to plant because this fruit is not easily marketed in my area, but this fruit is usually used by only a few people, but because I like the shape and use of I created and formed this pumpkin from origami paper

In fact, pumpkin is one of the fruits that can be used on any menu, whatever the preparation, usually pumpkin will be a delicious food. But of course there are some of us who don't know about the shape and use of this pumpkin and below I will show the shape of the pumpkin, although it is not nearly the same but is close to a pumpkin.

Ingredients used

  • Orange origami paper
  • Green origami paper
  • Color pencil
  • Dabel stip
  • Scissors

How to make

the first thing I have to do is take origami paper then shape it into a shape that folds inwards 4 times then I take the size of a round shape so that the shape is more similar to a pumpkin in the end result then I shape it into a more unique shape

After it was shaped round, I then took scissors to cut the shapes that I had made round so that the results would be easy

then I took a double tip to form one size. Because after I cut it, there were lots of them that were round but not yet put together, so with the double tip I put them together so that they were combined and it really helped make it easier to shape.

Then we take green paper and cut it to the size that will be the stem of this pumpkin. I did this in a small shape because I made the pumpkin with a unique and small shape so we mix and match it with the pumpkin

After we cut it, we will give it a double tip to make it stronger and sturdier and we will shape it properly according to the stem

then we take colored pencils to form leaves instead of pumpkins

Once everything is ready, of course we will combine everything and unite it into a pumpkin

OK, I'm doing it well, slowly but surely, that's my way of completing a job and these are some pictures that you can enjoy and hope you like.

This tutorial is a tutorial that is very easy for us to imitate and easy for us to follow and for friends who like it, please read it and do it well.

This is the only way I can participate in this beloved community. I hope all my friends will be entertained. And I also hope this tutorial is really useful, see you in the next post.


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12

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