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HIVEPUNKS Back Stories: Journi Ray - The Strange Physician Assistant


Journi Ray – ID: 3017 - Back Story

Journi Ray didn't know what she was getting into when she showed up for the job interview her great-aunt had arranged for her. The old woman had told her that it was a normal secretary job, in an office, arranging papers and answering the phone.

She was convinced, without thinking too much about it. She dressed formally, to make a good impression. The place looked like a building like any other in the city, with mirrored glass and many stories high. Journi went to the tenth floor, where someone greeted her and told her to wait. Next to her were two other young girls, dressed formally like her, waiting. One by one, they began to pass. Journi was the last.

When they called her name, it was almost noon. As she entered, her future boss, a man in his forties, asked her various questions: about her experience, about her abilities, about things that seemed unimportant to her but that she assumed they must have had a reason. By the time she left, an hour had passed, so she said goodbye and went straight to get something to eat.

She didn't spend much thought on the interview or the passage of time, but two days later, Journi received a call saying that she had gotten the job. Excited, she called all of her relatives, especially her great-aunt, to let them know.

The following week, she went to her first day.
And nothing was what she had believed.

When she arrived, her boss indicated a desk for her to sit on. He told her that she should answer the phone and assign people their hours. Journi didn't ask, and she just sat and waited for the calls. Only then did she find out that her boss was a doctor and the calls were from patients, but nothing was out of the ordinary, so she just did her job.

The strange thing happened when the first patient came to the office. Journi received it and notified the doctor. The man thanked her and told both her and the patient to come in. Journi, surprised, heeded.

The patient sat on the gurney and the doctor began to examine him. Occasionally, he would ask her to hand him things and Journi would obey. That didn't seem so strange to her either. Until he asked her to go to the refrigerator in the office and hand him a green syringe.

Journi obeyed, like a good assistant. The syringe was filled with a thick green liquid. When the doctor used it on the patient, the young man screamed and then began to change. His entire body glowed began to turn green just like the liquid. Moments later, everything was back to normal… only now the patient had bright eyes and a grin from ear to ear.
"Turn off the lights, Journi," said the doctor.

Journi obeyed. And when she turned around, she saw the patient's eyes sparkle even more. "It worked! I can see in the dark!" said the young man.

Journi was so amazed that it took her time to understand that the doctor was asking her to turn the lights back on.

After the patient left, the doctor called her and asked if she was okay. He also asked her if she wanted to continue the work, being his assistant.

"Do you give powers to people?" Journi asked.

"That's right, would you be my assistant?"

"Of course," she said.

And that's how Journi Ray became a physician assistant… of the strangest specialty.


