Crafting Made Easy (Step By Step)


I often hear people say that craftworks are difficult. Well, it is not. Except you don't wanna try out new things and explore. Yeah, it doesn't have to be a passion although passion matters a lot too but when a person strives to do something and learn more, that is determination and not passion.

So today I am going to show you simple craftwork which you can try at home with just plain paper.
It can be used for a nice and lovely decoration.

Materials Needed

  • Paper
  • Top gum
  • Scissor
  • Pen and Pencil



The first thing to do is to draw out 15th circles on plain paper


Fold the cut papers, apply top gum to hold them together.


Continue the same process in step four until you stick all the fifteen papers and fill up the circle


Draw and Cut out another five separate piece of papers with five long pieces of papers that looks more like a rope. Gum the rope-like paper to the folded paper.


Apply gum to the tiny circles and stick it to the rope-like piece you finished earlier.


Continue applying and sticking the rope-like paper. finish with the second set


Cut out another piece of paper in a circle, shade, or paint it using blue ink and then apply gum at the back and stick it to the white surface.


The last step is that you will carve the tiniest piece of white or plain paper, paint it with blue ink and stick it to the last white surface.


Then you cut out the fifteen papers using a sharp scissor


Cut out a bigger piece of a circle and apply gum to it. Start sticking the folded circles you gummed together earlier.


After you might finish with the sticking and gumming, you turn the backside and this is will be the result


Carve our five tiny pieces of paper. Paint or shade the center or middle with blue ink.


At the backside of the petal, apply gum to two of the rope-like pieces of paper and then stick to the petal.


And then do the same thing for the last piece


Cut another white or plain paper and gum it to the blue or painted piece.

That is all for the beautiful craftwork. Step fifteen is the final stage and result of all these long processes hahahaha.

I know there are lots of steps here but I only did that to show everything so that it will be easy to follow step by step.

If you have the opportunity to try it, do let me know the result thereafter.

I will see you all next time with my craftwork.

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