An aztec beauty // Una belleza azteca

A few days ago, among the branches of a vacant lot, I observed this little imp, trying to camouflage itself among the grasses, which was a total failure since his colorful outfit gave him away at first sight.


Hace unos dias entre el ramaje de un terreno baldío observe a este pequeño diablillo, tratando de camuflajearse entre las hierbas, cosa que fue un total fracaso dado que su tan colorido atuendo lo delató a la primera vista.

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I got closer and his survival instinct made him jump, falling on a rock, a bad choice because there he stood out more, thank goodness I am not a grasshopper eater XD I approached and I could do some shots, his reaction left me astonished because he was very still between shots.


Me fui acercando y su instinto de supervivencia lo hizo saltar, cayendo en una roca, mala eleccion pues ahi sobresalía más, menos mal no soy una devoradora de chapulines XD me acerqué y pude hacerle unas cuentas tomas su reaccion me dejó atónita pues se quedó muy quieto entre tiro y tiro.

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It was a serious problem to be able to identify it and even so I had to resort to a well-known user around here for his fervor to arthropods lol yes ... @abneagro came to the rescue hahaha and thanks to his help I was able to reach the conclusion that it is about of a grasshopper of the family Acrididae and of the genus Aidemona that is
Aidemona cf. azteca and apparently it is a species that is only found on Mexican soil, what wonders we can find in Mexico hehehe
(thank you very much for your help abneagro)





Fue un grave problema el poder identificarlo y aun así tuve que recurrir a un usuario muy conocido por aquí por su fervor a los artropodos jejeje sí, @abneagro salió al rescate jajaja y gracias a su ayuda pude llegar a la conclusion que se trata de un saltamontes de la familia Acrididae y del género Aidemona o sea Aidemona cf. azteca y al parecer es una especie que solo se encuentra en terreno Mexicano, vaya maravillas que se encuentra uno en México!

(muchas gracias por tu ayuda abneagro)

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Another thing that I must mention is that this one that I was able to photograph is a nymph that is to say a very young grasshopper, as they grow its color changes slightly, I must mention that its so colorful costume left me perplexed because it is very striking and bright and yet when others of his comrades were able to remain camouflaged, I noticed them because I was getting closer and I was locating them among the branches.


Otra cosa que debo mencionar es qué este que pude fotografiar se trata de una ninfa es decir un saltamontes muy joven, a medida que crecen su coloracion va cambiando levemente, debo mencionar que su tan colorido traje me dejo perpleja pues es muy llamativo y brillante y aun así otros de sus camaradas pudieron mantenerse camuflajeados, los noté por que me fui acercando y los fuí localizando entre las ramas.

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After taking a few captures, I left him alone. I did not dare to touch him, since I was afraid of doing some kind of damage to him, in addition to wanting to prevent him from flying away.


Despues de tomarle unas cuantas capturas lo deje tranquilo no me atrevi a tocarlo, ya que temí hacerle aun tipo de daño, además de que queria evitar que se fuera volando.

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When I walked away I could see from afar how he tried to return to the plant where his family was, they are so small and try to go unnoticed by making the most slight and calm movements possible, it sounds a titanic task because his bright yellow and his transversal stripes black make it almost impossible.


Cuando me alejé pude observar de lejos como intentaba volver a la planta donde estaba su familia, son tan pequeños y tratan de pasar desapercibidos haciendo los movimientos mas leves y tranquilos posibles, suena una labor titánica pues su tan brillante atuendo color amarillo y sus transversales franjas negras lo hacen casi imposible.

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Densifying Nature Appreciation (DNA)


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