Tectocoris ophthalmia || his attractive appearance in the morning


I had the second opportunity to help my parents in the fields clear the grass in the family's pea crop field.

Our family's farm is a little far from the countryside and at 07 am we started leaving our house on foot through the rice fields of the villagers. the morning air was a little cool with the cold, heavy rain last night.

On the way before arriving at the pea plantation ,, arriving at the rice field irrigation I saw a tiny insect having a very beautiful color among the Irrigation in grass leaves, making me want to take a snapshot of the insect's beauty.

The little insects looked like they were sunbathing on the leaves of the grass waiting for the morning sun to warm their bodies the cold one due to the rain last night.
and the his form to beauty of this little insect really caught my eye this morning ...


After I finished taking the first shot of this little insect, it seemed like the insect was a little annoyed by the gaze of my smartphone camera at it and flew to the rocks of irrigation and Makes me even more in love with my next shot ..








The tiny color and shape of this tiny insect looks really quite attractive, I keep snapping at every movement of this insect the trying to escape from the stare of my smartphone camera lens in his shot.



This is a type of insect Tectocoris diophthalmus, commonly known as Hibiscus Harlequin Bug or Cotton Harlequin Bug, is the only member of the genus Tectocoris. [1] It is a convex, brightly colored, round shield-shaped insect with a metallic luster that grows to about 20 mm. Adult females are predominantly orange and males blue and red or orange, while nymphs are typically metallic green and purple in color. The colors vary considerably, and experiments have shown that variations in color can reduce bird predation, especially at the immature stage. [2] Source



After I spent a few minutes taking pictures of these tiny insects, I just resumed my journey to the fields this morning.

I am @briayana from Indonesia, I hope you can enjoy the results of my macro images today.

Camera:Smartphone xiomi + macro lens.
ISO: otomatis.
editing: the Snapseed app.

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