Introduce Myself To The Hive Community! Will Be Sharing How I Build Cars And Aircraft From Scratch!

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Hello everyone, good day everyone in the house. I hope everyone is doing perfectly fine.

My Names are, ACC Whizzy, I Am 21 years old and the owner of the upcoming (gravity innovation). I hail from Africa, Nigeria to be precise. I'm from Enugu state, in Ezeague local government area of Enugu state.

I am a natural mechanical engineer, what I mean by natural mechanical engineering is that I invent and build things to add value on earth. I never go to school for it or learn it from someone. I build cars from scratch of different designs and also aircraft of my own design but going into the world-famous technology which is the flying car and electric car!

Here are some of my works:

Wizzy car5.jpeg

Wizzy Cars1.jpeg

Wizzy Cars2.jpeg

Wizzy cars3.jpeg

Wizzy cars4.jpeg

I came across this platform from a DIY page on Instagram called Build-it, they reached out to me and told me some of the wonders of the decentralized web. Am giving it a try as it looks really big and confusing hehe ... In the coming day, I'll be sharing with this platform how to build and invents cars and air crafts.

Until next time, peace and love

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