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Shiana is a suburban neiberhood on the outskirts of Pula and Pula is the nearest city to the small town where I live. The 23rd of October was a cloudy day, I was on the way to the village of Marchana, about fifteen kilometers north of the city, and I decided to stop in Shiana to buy something in the bakery near the bus terminal.
I bought two donuts and a loaf of bread, but you won't see those bakery products here. You won't see the bakery either. The post is about what I photographed after buying those things when I decided to walk a bit around that neiberhood. Have a good viewing.


Shiana is situated right between the historic center of the city and its newest parts. Therefore it's an interesting mix of different types of architecture. Buildings from the last years of the 19th and first years of the 20th century. Apartment buildings from the seventies and eighties. Pretty recent supermarkets. You can see a bit of everything there.
In this opening photograph, you can see one of the older buildings. I can't tell you anything about it, but the style of its architecture says enough. The palm tree near the building it's a nice addition to the aesthetics of the scene.


In this pretty wide shot, you can see more of the scenery and the general atmosphere that Shiana can offer on a gray October day. There are buildings that look pretty horizontal. There is also a vertical one. That's Shiana. A mixture of styles and tendencies.
There is also a green cross right in the middle of the picture. That cross means pharmacy. I bought some stuff in that pharmacy after taking this photograph. The following shot ...

... was taken ten minutes earlier. You can see the sign that points toward the pharmacy. Across the street from that sign ...

... I saw quite a few parked cars but only the small van shown in this photograph caught my attention. And that's because...

... it had a pretty unique detail in its interior.

I never saw this type of dashboard figurine before.

This supermarket was photographed on the way to the pharmacy.

Here you can see the street and the long, massive building on its other side. The supermarket is out of frame. I mean, just barely out of the right edge of the frame. In the following shot ...


... you can see the same large building from a different angle. This photograph was taken from a spot only about five or six meters from the pharmacy's entrance.


I like the broken windows of that building ...


... so I dedicated two photographs to them.
I photographed a few more things in the area near the pharmacy but right now ...


... I would like to show you something I photographed a bit earlier in the area where my car was parked.


This street art is made by and for the fans of the local football club.


Practically all the football fandom-related art I ever saw is dumb & uninventive just like the subculture that produced it, but I must admit that this thing here has a bit of charm. I can see a bit of auto-irony instead of the usual hundred percent auto-glorification on display here.


It's true that the dude on the wall looks like a square-jawed little fascist but that's OK. Most of the organized football fandom in Croatia is more than a bit on the fascist side so - hey, why hide it? Why not be proud of the shit you worship?


The three-dimensional friend who was there with me had a green jacket that made her merge almost seamlessly with the two-dimensional artwork. With the following photograph ...


... I'm in front of the pharmacy again. You can see a relatively lovely building situated across the street from the pharmacy.


Here you can see some basic street art on the facade of a building that gave me the opportunity to give a bit of much-needed vivid red to the otherways pretty dull gray post. In the following photograph ...

... I zoomed out a bit so you can see a window above the art.


Here you can see a bit more of that building. Some of its parts are red, others are rusted. It's a cool combination, I like it.


And now, last but not least, I'm showing you some unbroken windows of the long & large building introduced earlier in the post.