Either or...

Some Sabbath thoughts are gonna be spilled here and now, following a recent street stroll.

Suddenly people start wearing summer clothes. Huh, already?
I was still wearing a knitted woolen cardigan that day, just in case, the sun hide behind the clouds.

BLURRED ONE - homeless person, invisible for many, during the winter and colder days usually scrouched between cardboards, wrapped in stinky blankets, hidden in underground passages. The bigger the city, the higher the percentage of homeless people, very often I could hear that from my friends who live in even bigger metropolises. This man was sitting on the bench next to the bridge, digging into some used cans, probably hoping for some crumbs and leftovers or simply collecting them for recycling. Often I'm seeing people who are they collect plastic, cardboard, aluminum, and everything that can be recycled. One of or only one source of income for them.

On the other hand, there are those with outstretched open palms begging to be given some money. Earlier I was always glad to give a few coins extra until I experienced abuse of charity. Some of them will buy alcohol or drugs, and some of them are actually employees (terrible).

Then I quit, there might be some people who are really in need of help, but I just don't want to support anyone's decision of destroying himself. A few years ago while I lived in totally another city, I constantly met a small Roma group, a mother with a couple of children and a baby, the kids were money collectors.

Litlle one reached to me, asking me for some change, next minute her mother is buying a large bottle of beer for herself and I was pissed off. Next time same scenario, but not the same mistake.

I started buying, she reached again and I bought her a sandwich this time instead of giving her money, insisting to sit with me until she eats it.

What is the turning point in your life when you really decide to give up on yourself?


Probably different life story, but the same outcome.

The most common cause is alcohol and gambling. Complete surrender of addictions, that much you need to give up on yourself.

He was sleeping surrounded with traffic noise, and human murmurs, he was sleeping like this bench is the most comfortable place in the world. The sun warmed his stale clothes and shielded that stale scent, you can smell it from afar.

How much you must be unimportant to yourself to reach this stage?


Opposite the previous two, there are still those people who will do every it takes to make it.
Work hard, play hard.
Yeah, I know it's a cliche, but it works!

I would like to invite all those heads buzzing in the clouds and thinking about everyday life, considering other people’s social situations as they walk the streets, sharing their photos and thoughts through the Street photography community, this project is one of my biggest wishes for this year and I would like it to come to life.
The topics are inexhaustible, why not share?

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