Emanate's Latin America spotlight

Emanate Latin America Spotlight.jpeg

What's happening Emanate Community! really stoked to announce a small but important collab that @recording-box is doing with music streaming platform Emanate. It's a series of live sets called the Latin America spotlight, which as you can probably guess by the name, is looking to showcase talented independent musicians in the area.

I had a little chat today with the awesome Crystal Pistol in New York about our project together:

For this edition of the Latin America spotlight, we'll be inviting folks in Guatemala City. But Latin America is huge! so I look forward to having folks from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego.

Anything is possible with crypto, right?

Let's see what happens.

For anyone interested in checking out Emanate, I recommend you check out the platform here: https://emanate.live/

and come have a chat on Discord and Telegram as well.

The folks are really helpful and that goes doble for my man @djlethalskillz in Kuala Lumpur.

Stay awesome Emanation!

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