AZL Dream Journal Excerpt 002


I wanted to pick up where we left off last time, again just grabbing excerpts from my dream journal in hopes of awakening the passion for lucid dreaming that lies silent within me.

I've been chasing the lucid dream dragon since my first tour over seas. I had a somewhat cooky NBC Sergeant (he was our resident expert on attempting to survive in the event of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Agents...NBC). We'll call him AB.

He told me lots of wild things about where he grew up, and many crazy experiences I can't imagine having at such a young age. He told me how all these crazy experiences had
naturally caused him to project out of his body somewhere in his youth, and how he'd learned to do so at will, by harnessing the power of his dreams.

This would have been around 2001/2002. I've been journalling my dreams (off and on), I've tried meditations, self hypnosis, I've tried MILD, I've tried WILD, I've tried other stuff whose names and acronyms elude me at present I'm sure.

In 20 years of trying, I've had one OBE and three lucid dreams...none of which were all that long in duration. At this point in my life, I don't really care if I experience either again or not; I've learned that the best part is to enjoy the experience of life itself, with whatever it brings. In this way, I can enjoy the process of journaling my dreams without expectation or hope for some higher reward...the remembering and documenting is enough in itself.

In the dream I'm remembering here, this is particularly true. In the dream featured below, on the bottom left, I remembered and relived a dream I had back when I lived in Norfolk, which means I would have been (let's see...ten when I got burned, which was in Texas, before that was Virginia Beach for a year, that's 9, before that was Germany, that would be 8, before that was Norfolk, so 7 or - I've never typed that out, but it's always how I recall my age at a given time...10 years old in Texas is always my baseline, not sure why) seven years old or younger.

I had forgotten this dream, until I relived it in my adult dreams. I woke up remembering the dream from that night, but even more vividly, the original dream from my childhood. I remember flying around - in my childhood I was flying over the surface of some sort of lunar type terrain; as an adult it was still something of that nature, but there was some form of civilization there as well.

Anyway, I flew around and collected these diamond shaped objects made either of gold, or of golden light. They were just scattered across the landscape, floating in mid air - much like myself. Both in my child and adult states, I remember waking from this dream, excited to open my bag of "diamond-whatevers," and in both states eventually being really bummed when I realized I wasn't going to find them anywhere.


In later entries I remember with less vividness, experiences of walking down train tracks in some post-apocalyptic abandon, and assimilating with some form of nothingness.


When I was young, my dad had a copy of DaVinci's sketchbook, and he told me how everything was written upside-down and backwards...a concept with which I was instantly enamored. I developed an exercise to teach myself how to do the same thing. Decades later, the skill had gone dormant, until I came back to dream journaling in my adulthood.

I read that your dream journal should be kept in such a way that it is yours and yours alone. That you should be able to write down whatever you remember without concern of backlash...that the recording should be true and uncensored for the benefit of your development. In order to add that layer of privacy to my dream journal, I made it a habit from the beginning to write all my dreams in this fashion. I think this helps with my dream work, but as I mentioned above, my success rate isn't all that impressive so maybe not...

Anyway, thanks for remembering my dreams with me, I hope maybe this has helped to (re)awaken your interest in the dreamscape!

Do you have any suggestions that could help with lucid dreaming practice, or dreams that stay fresh forever in your memory?

Until next time ;)


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