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2021-12-10 Flying Flute

Last night I dreamt I was on top of a mountain. I had my phone set up to record video and I was making a video for 3Speak.

The video? A tutorial on how to use a quena to fly.

Standing in front of the camera, I took a deep breath and a running start, and leapt off the side of the mountain. As I began my immediate descent, I pulled up the quena and gently blew a note - which instantly negated gravity. I was able to steer left and right by willing it, and I could go up and down by playing higher or lower notes.

I had just finished climbing through the second register, and was looking down on the mountains from high above. I was trying to remember how to hit the third register on my quena when - my two year old woke up in real life and was calling for me.

At first I awoke with some frustration that she had interrupted this incredible experience, but before my feet had even hit the ground I remembered: if she hadn’t interrupted the dream, I may very well have never known it happened…so, thanks kid ;)

Happy Friday, fellow dreamers!

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