Incentives for Hosting a Meetup

Organizing a meetup could be as simple as booking a table at a restaurant. Depending on your self-imposed goals and standards it can also be a lot of work. You decide but never forget: it is already a meetup if 2 or more people from Hive meet in real life and simply have a talk, maybe accompanied by a nice drink and/or snack. A meetup can have many possible outcomes, you can be extremely prepared or not - if everybody has fun it is already a success!

Just for the sake of visualizing some of the many aspects a meetup can have

It doesn't have to be the next @hivefest nor it has to transport a lot of knowledge about the blockchain. It is all about the fun in life, isn't it?! Conversations about new UIs, tools and crypto news will occur naturally. We all know that meeting new people can involve doubts or slight fear but let us tell you this from experience:

It is absolutely worth it to jump over your own shadow!
(word for word translation of a German proverb)

Next to the pure joy of meeting other Hivers and being the one who started with the idea, we came up with different incentives for encouraging people to start off meetups in their local area [pillar 2]. Since we have so many different utilities on this blockchain there will come a lot more in future but let's start with the currently existing ones.
In case you don't know what is meant with pillar 1, 2 and 3 then make sure to read our previous post about:
The 3 Pillars of HiveUP Europe

πŸ“… Incentives for Meetup Hosts

It can be enough for someone to start a meetup simply because of fun and getting to know other like-minded people. But we also think that a few "asset focused" incentives can be beneficial to encourage you to host your first meetup and get to know the happy feeling of meeting other Hivers.

πŸ₯‡ 1. Your 1st featured HiveUP Europe Meetup

When you organize and host your 1st ever featured offline meetup we are going to sponsor you 20 Hive SBI no matter how big your event is or if you have done meetups before which did not have been featured by HiveUP Europe. "Featured" means that your meetup is listed in our pinned community post:

πŸ“Œ European Hive Meetups - Local and Online πŸ“Œ

If you don't know what Hive SBI aka HSBI is, here is a abstract from their website:

Hive Stake Based Income (Hive SBI) is a social experiment to bring a voluntary crowdfunded basic income to as many Hivers as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Hive SBI is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content...

Read more about Hive SBI in the official documentation

🚒 2. Every successfully onboarded Hiver

For every new user you onboard to Hive we will:

  1. sponsor 5 Hive SBI to you
  2. delegate 100 HP to the new account as long as the account doesn't have 100 HP on their own and is still active.

Side note: Of course we reserve the right to cancel the delegation if anything suspicious happens with or by the account.

What is a successful onboarding?

  • onboarding happened while or as a result of a meetup you have organized
  • the account has posted an introduction post
  • the account is active (commenting/voting)

πŸ‘• 3. Sponsored Merch

If you announce your meetup with enough forerun and let us know (just ping @hiveup-europe from within your post) we will be able to send you merch (shirts, stickers and more) you can hand out to the attendees as incentive for them. Nothing is cooler than a shirt with the logo of your favorite blockchain and passion.

Of course we will need some information from you:
  • estimated count of attendees
  • your personal information in order to be able to send you a packet with the goodies
You can contact us via discord or write tibfox#1337 a message there. Also we reserve the right to decline if this is your first meetup and you have not enough reputation, you can not estimate how many people will attend or other reasons. But most probably we are going to support your meetup with Hive merch ;)

πŸŽ–οΈ 4. Peakd Batches

You and the attendees of your meetup will receive our "HiveUP Europe Meetup Attendee" badge on @peakd. This is a sign of cooperation and real life engagement on the Hive blockchain but we have more planned for this badge.

In near future we will host giveaways that can only be entered if you are a proud owner of this badge!

If you made the meetup with the most attendees in one month you will earn this badge. It is called the "HiveUP Europe Challenge Cup" because it will be handed over to the next person with the most attendees (or with the first meetup of the month). Up until now it changed the owner already 1 time from @reiseamateur to @blue.rabbit and will probably go back to @reiseamateur soon for his meetup in Graz and so on and so forth.

It is now time for you to break this circle by hosting your own meetup!

πŸ’‘ We need Your Ideas

If you have recommendations for potential hosts or attendees incentives please let us know in the comments! We are open to add more to this list and edit the post so there is one single post that lists all the goodies and perks of HiveUP Europe!

That's it!

As we have told you before we rely on your input and help to grow the initiative and meetup list constantly. With a more complete meetup list we will be able to serve Hivers all over Europe to find their meetups quicker. We hope to see an organic relation between the meetup hosts and our initiative so eventually a post/cross-post into our community (or much easier a ping of @hiveup-europe) feels like a simple step of announcing a meetup in future.

Please share our initiative and the πŸ“Œ European Hive Meetups - Local and Online πŸ“Œ with your friends and followers. The more people know our project the easier it gets to fill the meetup list with European events!
If you have any question, suggestion or you simply want to have a chat with us then feel free to enter our discord server!
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