A Stylish Bow Sleeveless Flare dress


Sometimes ago I posted an African kaftan dress embellished with Swarovski stones, ok there was a leftover of the fabric my client brought for me to sew
When I delivered the dress, I packaged the leftovers for her. I suggested using the remaining fabric to sew shorts for her son, she has three sons, one is a grown-up guy and her other two sons are in Primary School.

She thought for a second about it and her response was if she made shorts for the youngest, the other boy would not be happy he did not have the same shorts.
This led us to a conversation about women giving birth to girls and not only boys. She said girls have a lot of benefits than boys because the girl child helps with house chores and the like. They’re easy to control, unlike boys when you have to shout and scream before they can get things done.

My take was that for a boy child not to stress the parent there must be discipline and training at their early stage. In the long run after all the lengthy conversations. She resolved to sew the remaining fabric for a neighbour's daughter.

Since the remaining fabric is not much, I decided to sew a sleeveless flare dress for the 2-year-old girl which is so simple, easy and quick to make. When I got home, I got to my corner to quickly make the dress.

Step 1: I placed the fabric on a flat surface folded into two to mark out the chest line and the length of the dress.

After marking I cut out the front piece to cut the back piece as well.

Step 2: The blue duchess for the bow was cut as well

Step 3: I joined the front piece to the back piece through the shoulder and used blue bias tape to turn the neckline.
The tip of the armhole was stitched in with half of an inch and both sides of the dress were sewn down.
I also hem the down part all around.

Step 4: The fabric for the bow was folded into two and stitched on all sides I created a small space to be able to turn it out.
After turning it out. it was ironed and I tacked it with a needle to the front of the dress.
The dress was ironed and ready to be delivered to the owner.

I was unable to display it on a mannequin because I don’t have a kid mannequin.

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