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Needlework Monday - New Canvas Art Project

This post is my contribution to #needleworkmonday challenge founded by @crosheille and hosted by @muscara, and @marblely .

I started a new project and I am very excited to share my work-in-progress photos. It is a mixed media canvas art that represents Mother Earth and the Three Goddess concept, so I called it TRINITY.

The canvas is large, 4 feet by 3 feet, and it is of course a recycle: a panel used in a hotel lobby that had some tears that I repaired. The paint is faded, but I will glue stuff on it, add texturing materials and re-paint it! So it's perfect!

Here is the canvas laying on my couch, so you guys can get an idea of what I'm doing here.

As you can see, my initial materials are cord and beads. I initially threaded the beads, but I decided to use them unthreaded, it was easier. The cord is from the dollar store... a cloth line cord... And my cat is usually in the middle of everything!

In today's post I want to emphasize the usage of a cotton cord in a mixed media piece of art. The cord is outlining the drawing, giving it the 'raised' look. I love continuous line drawing in general, and a thick cord will mimic this technique very nicely.

So... gluing the cord with a hot glue gun is the first step. Actually the first step was drawing... that is another story... it took me many moons to come up with this drawing :)

Next step is to glue the beads and complete the spiral design in Gaia's body and also the eye on the top (that I didn't finish yet).

So here is the result for now.

I love it. I will add more texturizing elements, like felt flowers and leaves, and I will paint everything with a thick layer of gesso, let it dry for a few days and then paint the whole canvas. I will come back and share my Trinity canvas art when finished.

I hope someone will get inspired and maybe start creating something amazing. Remember!!! Art is nothing if it is not shared!!!

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