Freestyle Your Fashion

In the world of fashion, there's a powerful and inspiring theme that celebrates how the seemingly "weak" or unconventional can transform into symbols of strength and empowerment.

Consider the story of a young fashion designer named Vanessa. She had always been petite and felt out of place in the world of high fashion, where tall models with striking features often dominated the scene. But Vanessa had a vision and a passion for designing clothes that made everyone feel beautiful, regardless of their size or appearance.

Despite facing rejection from major fashion houses and being told her designs were "too niche," Vanessa persisted. She started her own brand, embracing diversity in her models and celebrating uniqueness in her designs. She created clothing lines that promoted body positivity and self-confidence.

Vanessa's journey wasn't easy, but she turned her "weakness" into her greatest strength. Her brand gained a massive following, and she became a role model for aspiring designers and anyone who had ever felt like an outsider in the world of fashion.

Vanessa's story is a reminder that the fashion industry can be a platform for empowerment and self-expression, where those who feel weak or marginalized can become strong and influential leaders in their own right.

In whatever industry you are working right now and feeling tired of it already don't worry your stress won't be in vain. Embrace your uniqueness and never give up.

So, whether it's through unconventional designs, promoting diversity, or breaking down industry norms, fashion has the power to motivate and inspire us to embrace our uniqueness and turn our perceived weaknesses into sources of strength and confidence.

Whenever I remember Venessa’s story it tells me no matter how fashion space is occupied I will surely be through one day if I am consistent and don’t give up. Who can relate?

Wow! This is another beautiful Monday, guess you know what that means. Should I stay formal or informal, haha. For a sneak peek of today's work let's take a look at how I made this beautiful gown

Materials needed;
Fashion Fabric
Invisible zipper
Tiny Elastic

On my cutting table, I doubled my fabric into 4 and input her accurate measurements from shoulder to under butt to get the half length of the style.

I cut out what I had measured, then I minus the half-length from the full length to get the remaining measurement to cut the down gathers.

Then I cut measured and cut the sleeve. The sleeve is a free sleeve with an elastic to tighten the down to give it a puff.

Here is the outcome of my Free style gown. What do you think?

I would like to say that when you identify and work on your weaknesses, you can become a stronger, more well-rounded individual. I am a work in progress and your encouraging words here have been a source of motivation.

Thank you all so much. Till I write again, love you all😍

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