Crochet headband

As a re-beginner in crochet, I am trying to make simple projects such as a scarf and headband. Crochet is my hobby and although I started very young when my late aunt taught me, life took its course and I had forgotten all about it until I got wool yarn as a gift.

So, I decided to take up my crochet hook aka needle, and start to brush up my skills. I do know how to crochet but youtube has so many tutorials on how to start making projects and then go on to become an expert such as making a sweater or sock and so on.

Here are a few pictures of the headband I made recently.

I had ordered yarn from Eswar Shop in Madurai and they send it in spite of the Pongal holidays in Tamil Nadu. I found that they sell yarn cheaper than the sellers on Amazon. The only drawback is that Amazon delivers it to my doorstep but I had to go to the town to collect this packet from the courier service that does not come to my village. So, Amazon does have an edge even if the price is a bit higher where yarn is concerned.

So, yea, here are the pictures and I am sure that if you want to learn some new hobby, there is nothing that will stop you except yourself.

The completed headband

The yarn and the needle


Joined with a slip stitch

I wanted to show you how it looked as a completed project. I had taken measurements and this is approximately 22 inches.

Many people complain that acrylic yarn caused itches. I am not sure if it was because I read that but after I started this, I felt itching and I washed my hands and applied some coconut oil. The itching did not occur afterward but it could have been due to the fact that I came into contact with some allergens in the air. It is very dry weather condition now and there are many plants in our village that do cause itching.

The yarn is a multi-colored one. I like such colors because it looks more stylish and also make the project an interesting one. Using the same color would make me feel bored. Also, I choose light colors because it is easier on my eyes. I do love dark colors like red and dark brown and would have really wished to use them but I should also take care not to strain.

Have you ever tried to crochet? Any other needlework such as hand embroidery, knitting, etc?

In my opinion, a hobby is essential because it not only helps free the stress of everyday life but also gives a sense of achievement. Even if small, a thing created with our own skill is really good for the morale. So, please do try and learn some sort of craft. There are many online shops that even offer starter kits with many added goodies and such. You can also join a local crochet club if there is any, near your locality.

All images belong to Sayee.

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