My Needleworkmonday: A Starter Set For My Granddaughter


Happy Monday my dear needleworkers! I made this starter sewing kit for my granddaughter. She likes to observe what am doing since she was a small kid. There are times when I looked for my threads and couldn't find them! In times like this, I only need to ask one person and that would be her. LoL! When she was younger, she liked the colors of my pins and she would press them deeper that some went down deeper. I myself tend to press the needle deeper for safety and could no longer recover it since it's an emery bag.

I thought of changing the case so I cut the sides and poured the sand in the emery bag case. I couldn't believe that there were more pins and needles inside than what I expected to find out. I counted 30 pins and seven needles! Just imagine that. Well that little sand bag has been my 'partner' in sewing for more than two decades:). It's time to make a new one.


It's advantageous to leave a little thread for visibility so you will know if it's still there.

The Emery Bag




A little enhancement such as the handle and leaves would make the Emery bag more presentable, right?

The Pin Cushion


For the Pin Cushion, I cut the sleeves of a baby dress. I liked the flower designs.


I used our saucer to make a circular pattern.


The set is now complete. She loved it. She asked me as to when her mini sewing machine will be fixed. I said soon my dear.:) I planned to order a new one online because it's beyond repair. Then she asked about how to do the measurements. I said tomorrow we'll make a pattern. It's a good sign that she has her own motivation to learn the craft. It's closing time and am pretty sure that she will have some accomplishments before the school opening._

Thank you for dropping by my page.


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