Cute Crochet Sling Bag

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First things first. I got the yarns I won on a paid raffle. I don't usually join these paid raffles because it's like betting. But then the yarn seller has been really nice to me on all our transactions, I thought a little something for that raffle won't hurt my pocket that much. Besides, the post for that raffle kept on showing up on my feed. I thought why not, right? So I watched the Facebook Live video for the raffle, but as names slowly get removed from the wheel, I got stressed out, so I stopped watching.

The seller spins the wheel and if your name gets selected, your name gets removed. This will happen until all the names have been selected. The last name to be chosen will be the winner. For the love of me, I couldn't find my name. I thought I was out already. The stress of watching the wheel turn, plus the uncertainty of whether or not I was still in the game got the better of me. I stopped watching after a few minutes. I think half has been eliminated that time.

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I only found out that I won because the seller tagged me in the post congratulating me. I was lulling my kid to sleep that time, and she has just drowsed off. I wanted to scream because man, that's 28++ kg of yarns, plus a mini yarn winder and to top it all, the seller will shoulder the shipping! Christmas came early indeed! And I'm a happy kid sitting there right beside our Christmas tree, grinning from ear to ear with the stash I have no idea how to store. My first thought was that I would give a part of it to my mom.

She's starting to crochet again. And after what our family went theough this year, I am on a mission to spoil my siblings and my mom.

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So my mom is crocheting again, but after years of hiding her talent, she needed a refresher. I took the liberty of buying her a new set of crochet hooks, accessories, and yarns. She regularly calls me just to say she sold one of her projects and she's really excited because now, she has a lot of MTOs.

To update her with the latest trending crochet designs so she can hook more orders, we do regular video calls so I can show her how to make designs for purses, cellphone bags, and coin purse. She felt a bit silly at first because she said she used to be the teacher, now she is the student. There's no greater mark of validity than your own mom telling you how your work has improved and how she always wants me to make her whatever bag I am currently working on. Now, even if the whole world says my crochet is trash, I wouldn't mind because first of all, they're not, and second of all, my mom loves my craft!

My vaccination project
Now on to the crochet project I finished during my first vaccine shot.

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I was told there would be a short wait time for the vaccine. It would only take a little over 5 minutes. It's a good thing I am a person with trust issues, I brought along with me my newly bought Susan Bates inline crochet hook and one 220 gram cone of polyester yarn. I bought these yarns from Shopee. The Susan Bates inline crochet hook has been in my wishlist for some time, I have almost forgotten about it. I finally took the time to buy it from This is the very same website I bought my crochet comeback kit. No, they don't have a package like that, I just picked a pack of colorful hooks with different sizes, a whole bunch of yarns and started crawling my way back into crocheting.

While I was waiting in line for my shot, I realized I was going to be there for hours. Why not make the wait a bit more productive, right? I started working on a granny square. It was simple, it was easy, and if I end up with a big square, it'll be easy to just chug it inside my bag once it's my turn.

And indeed, the wait was really long because by the time I was waiting in front of the clinic (there were like a million stops before you get to the vaccination area itself), I was already halfway through my second square. All that's missing is the leatherette base, and the strap. I purchased this strap from the same seller, Roxas Yarn. A very hardworking and passionate crocheting momma who is not only talented, but is also a very good entrepreneur. Go on ahead and check out her Shoppee store, I posted her link above.

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I attached the base, the cover, and the strap at home while binge-watching The Good Doctor's 4th season. As usual, my sister wants me to make her a crochet purse when we both went on a samgyupsal date. So now,I'll have to make another one for the not so little sister.

While I was working on my crochet sling bag, I realized I did need to make me a new bag. The round boho bag I made a couple of years ago is now being enjoyed by my mother. The green granny square bag I made that same year got a bit too old-looking when I washed it in the washer. Lesson learned the hard way for me: never pt your crochet bag in the washer - even if it's wrapped in a laundry mesh bag. I have no more bags! I have like a 3-day hike bag, my laptop bag, my camping bag, my running bag, my baby bag. But I did not have a casual sling bag anymore. As much as I despise the long line, I still am thankful of it because I get to have my own crochet bag.

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This is the very same bag I used when I waited in line again for my second shot. The day was not lost after all. Aside from my aching arm, I now have my very own cute crochet sling bag for my tiny trinkets.


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