
Hello everyone, I hope we all had a beautiful weekend, and happy new week to everyone. It's my first time posting here in Needlework community and I hope am welcome as I look forward to sharing my needlework here every week.

I have so many experience with sewing manually and I also love using needles although the sewing might not be perfect. I don't really know how to use a machine for sewing but I am planning on learning it if I have the chance so that my sewing can be perfect.

As a hairdresser who makes wigs, I think it would be awesome for me to learn how to use a sewing machine so that I can take my business to a whole new level.

Today I will be showing everyone how I make my "Headbow".

It is used for packing hair just to make it look nice and it can come in different designs and sizes. I love using a headbow whenever am going out since I use a bike a lot and running against the wind sometimes messes my hair up. I have a few of them that I made by myself and here is the most recent one.

The materials are:

Thread and needle
Super glue
Cloth stone
Black pen


I cut a straight line from the fabric then doubled it to make it thick for sewing, I cut the cloth in two places so that I would have enough of it for the bow to be big. The bigger the cloth, the bigger the bow, and I wanted it that way.

I made use of a plastic cover to measure half round shape then made use of the black pen to draw the shape and then cut it off with scissors.

After that, I made use of the needle and thread to sew everything together, but I didn't sew it tight because I would still need the bow to shrink. So after sewing everything, I tightened the thread to make the bow shrink and it gave me the perfect flower look.

I noticed the closing part which is the middle looks somehow so I had to place a stone on it to cover the sewing and to make it more beautiful, I made use of super glue to gum it at the center then the smaller ones on each to make it more beautiful.

After all that, my elastic was already sewed so I just sewed the flower on it then my headbow was ready for use.

I made use of black thread because the fabric was deep blue and the elastic also is black so if I had used another color of thread it might disfigured the look when I am done.

Now I put it on for my dummy head with a wig on it to show how I always like my headbow when am going out.

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