**Happy creative Monday! **

It's another great week ahead and I am so happy to be back again in this great Community. Last month, a longtime friend whom I haven't spoken with in a while reached out to me via DM. She asked if I could sew clothes because her usual designer wasn't available, and she needed an outfit for her birthday photoshoot.

At first, I was shocked because we hadn't spoken in ages and she was entrusting me with her fabric to do a perfect job. She brought her material a few days before I was set to travel, the material was a crepe fabric and very delicate. I was a bit skeptical because my sewing machine sometimes gives me a tough time when sewing stretch fabric, and it had been a while since I'd worked with one.

Despite being stressed from a previous sewing project, I couldn't turn down the opportunity; I love seeing people wear what I create. So I accepted it even though I knew it would be challenging. She decided on a pencil gown with fringes, so I went ahead with the cutting and sewing of the dress.

Here are the steps

I folded my material into 4 and drafted out the upper bodice using the bust circumference, adding zipper allowance to the back.
For the lower bodice of the gown, I folded my fabric into 4 using the hip measurements and then I cut it out

I also cut the sleeve. A straight sleeve with a flare at the bottom.

Moving on to the sewing process. I applied hairstay to the zipper allowance to prevent the zip from bulging and folded the neck for the front and back bodice. I hemmed the bottom of the lower bodice.

Next, I joined the upper and lower bodies of both the front and back, attaching a zipper to the back.

Then, I attached the sleeve to the dress. It was difficult folding the end of the flare, but after some struggle, I managed to do it neatly.

Finally, I joined the ends and attached the fringe, and the dress came out so beautifully. When she came to pick it up, I was anxious about how it would look on her, I wanted it to be perfect on her. She loved every bit of the dress.

All images are mine
Thank you for visiting my blog

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