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Needlework Monday: The Forever Blanket Continues


I think I knit faster using straight needles than circulars for some reason, or perhaps it's just that I knit for a longer period of time using straight needles? Maybe the little reward of finishing a row more often inspires me to keep going, lol, as opposed to one row taking forever when you're going along a long edge.

Here is my WIP on the needles compared to the previous small piece I did on circulars. It's about 3/4 of the size of the previous piece if they were shaped the same, but I made it a LOT faster. So I think I'm going to stick with making the pieces this way, not only so I stop breaking circular needles, but so I'm inspired to knit more/faster. Maybe I will actually finish this blanket before I die! X3

The current piece on straight needles is the width of that gap between my two wider pieces. I think maybe I had bought shorter circular needles than the first, big piece was made on and so I didn't realize I was knitting it not as wide as the first piece. Oh well, it's all patchwork anyway so that's fine! The bigger first piece used to take me 45 minutes to do one row. Yeah! It's a big blanket!

So the pieces so far will fit together like this.

If you've not seen me talk about the Forever Blanket before, it's double stranded worsted weight yarn on size 7 needles, so it's very thick and warm. :)

Do y'all find that you have a preference among needle types? I have also found that I really like working on wooden needles the best. The current straight needles I'm using for this are made of bamboo. What are your favorite kinds of needles to use?