Completing My Whole Mending Pile!

Y'all, the needlework miracles continue! Last week I finished a 30 year blanket project and this week I mended EVERYTHING in my mending pile??! IT IS THE END TIMES! 😂

Well I mean, that's what people are saying about the eclipse today, so yanno ...enter creepy conspiracy music here. 😉

I mended three sweaters, two pairs of jeans, three pairs of underwear, and a fitted bed sheet.

One of these days I should really try those pretty embroidery purposely noticeable mending where it looks like you just decorated it. I mean, a lot of my mending is noticeable, but that's just how I am, lol.

Especially if I'm doing patches, it's going to be noticeable, but I don't really mind. Or these jeans which I've mended in the same spot twice now, lol. :)

I even dug into clean laundry I hadn't put away yet and dirty laundry in the hamper to get two things that were recently used, that weren't in the mending pile in the closet, just to get it all done! 😃

I'm so proud of me, I don't think I've ever not had mending that needed done. What's next? WorldPeace?

Please celebrate with me that I'm done with the mending! Yaaay! 😁🎉

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