Cat Mats and Jean Repairs

Hello needleworkers! It's your sporadic stitching friend, having actually completed some projects! Woohoo!

Earlier I knit up two cat mats, using the last of this red and green yarn that I had. One is for Yuan and one is for a friend's cat. They are double stranded worsted weight yarn on size 11 needles.

These have gone over well with other friends' cats, so I hope the other kitty likes them too. They're just a mini blanket for cats to lay on. 😸

The photo is them hanging up to dry after I washed them.

Then tonight I tackled some repairs on a pair of jeans.

I have never had them go at the seams like this; usually it's the knees that give out on me first. So you can see at first I was like, eh, it'll show a little but it's dark embroidery floss at the seam, I wasn't too worried about it. But by the time I got to the second section, I figured out a way to make it show less. :)

There was one small hole next to the seam I stitched up, too. I'll iron a patch on the inside later, perhaps.

And that was my stitching work of late! I look forward to seeing all the cool things you all have been doing. :) Happy #needleworkmonday!

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