Creative Sewing: Little house 🏘️ || Nedleework your jeans contest 🇬🇧/🇪🇸

A creative process involves several activities, from the birth of the idea, the formulation, the design, review of materials and finally the creation.

Un proceso creativo lleva consigo o involucra varias actividades, desde el nacimiento de la idea, la formulación, el diseño, revisión de materiales y finalmente la creación.

I love to dream and imagine, in some cases I try to materialize and make it real, I am somewhat intense I confess and I like to do everything myself, that's when sometimes I take some hits 😞 one of my many weaknesses is that I can't draw, and that's an important step because through drawing I can make the sketches of any project. In most cases I do it, it costs me a lot but I manage to do it.

A mí me encanta soñar e imaginar, en algunos casos trato de materializar y hacerlo realidad, soy algo intensa lo confieso y me gusta hacerlo todo yo, es ahí cuando en ocasiones me llevo algunos golpes 😞 una de mis tantas debilidades es que no se dibujar, y eso es un paso importante ya que a través del dibujo puedo hacer los bocetos de cualquier proyecto. En la mayoría de los casos lo hago, me cuesta un montón pero lo logro.

Today I want to present my participation in the #nedleeworkmonday community contest where you have to make whatever you want in jeans fabric, I leave here the link so you can check in detail what this contest NedleeWork your Jeans contest

Hoy quiero presentarles mi participación en el concurso de la comunidad #nedleeworkmonday donde se debe confeccionar lo que desees en tela de jeans, te dejo por aquí el link para que chequees al detalle de qué va este concurso NedleeWork your Jeans contest

InShot_20220313_045154411.jpgEdited with Inshot

When I read about the contest initially I didn't know if I would participate, then as I was doing other activities the idea came to me 💡 and I went for it. Definitely the mind does not rest, I don't know if it happens to you that you are doing something and suddenly an idea of something else that you have pending comes up, it's kind of crazy because I'm doing something that has nothing to do with it but the idea comes up.

Cuando leí sobre el concurso inicialmente no sabía si participaría, luego como siempre haciendo otras actividades me vino la idea 💡 y me animé. Definitivamente la mente no descansa, no sé si te pasa que estás haciendo algo y de repente surge una idea de cualquier otra cosa que tienes pendiente, es medio loco porque estoy haciendo algo que no tiene nada que ver sin embargo la idea surge.

This time I will share a creative sewing, Confection of a purse in jeans fabric.

En esta ocasión compartiré una costura creativa, Confección de un monedero en tela de jeans.

I needed || Necesité

InShot_20220312_222111797.jpgFabric scraps that I keep, and that I can later use to create cool stuff//Edited whit Inshot

Materials/ MaterialesTools/ Herramientas
- Piece of jeans fabric- Sewing needle
- Retazos de tela de jeans- Aguja para coser
- Scraps of printed fabrics- Embroidery needle
- Retazos de tela estampada- Aguja para bordar
- Threads for sewing- Scissors
- Hilos para coser- Tijeras
- Lace- Pencil
- Encaje- Lápiz
- Buttons- Checkered sheet
- Botones- Hoja de cuadros
- Zipper- Cierre

Process || Proceso

I started by sketching the purse pattern on a sheet. This sketch was simple since the figure was totally geometric, to my engineer brain it was perfect 😂😂😂😂.

Inicie dibujando el patrón del monedero en una hoja. Este bosquejo fue sencillo ya que la figura era totalmente geométrica, para mi cerebro de Ingeniera era perfecto 😂😂😂

Once I had the pattern, I looked for the fabrics I was going to work with. In this step I consumed some time, I made several combinations and it was hard to decide, I even thought about making several little houses.

Una vez que tuve el patrón, busque las telas con las que iba a trabajar. En este paso consumí algo de tiempo, hice varias combinaciones y me costó decidirme, pensé hasta en hacer varias casitas.

Finally I made the cuts for each figure, which I needed to start working on the creative process.

Finalmente realicé los cortes de cada figura, las cuales necesitaba para empezar a trabajar en el proceso creativo.

InShot_20220312_223628022.jpgHere is one of the most time consuming activities, I have chosen not to take out all the fabrics but only a part of them so that the decision is not so time consuming 😂 tactics that I have learned over the years.

I took the fabric scraps and sewed them where they belonged, the triangle of the roof, door and window. At this point I worked with the denim fabric which would be the facade of the house.

Tomé los retazos de tela y los fijé con costura donde correspondía, el triángulo del techo, puerta y ventana. En este punto trabajé con la tela de jeans la cual sería la fachada de la casita.

I edged and sewed every detail. The window, door, with embroidery thread I made several stitches to recreate a garden. On the back I placed a piece of fabric with a cute bunny which I fixed with a fuchsia stitch in a gradient tone and on the side border two hearts.

Borde y cosi cada detalle. La ventana, puerta, con hilo de bordar hice varias puntadas para recrear un jardín. Por detrás coloqué un retazo de tela con un tierno conejo el cual fijé con una costura fucsia en tono degradado y al lado borde dos corazones.

InShot_20220312_223004179.jpgOne of the most fun parts, without a doubt, is my personal branding. Those who know me every time they see a piece they immediately say that looks like you. Definitely everything I create has a little bit of my essence. That's what makes handmade so special.

Once the decorative part was finished, the next step was to place the closure. For that I ordered each cover and proceeded to sew, once the zipper was sewed the sides, in this way I finished the purse.

Una vez terminada la parte decorativa lo siguiente era colocar el cierre. Para eso ordene cada tapa y procedí a coser, una vez que el cierre estuvo cosí los lados, de esta manera finalicé el monedero.

InShot_20220312_223759503.jpgFor a next time I will modify the measurements of this house, because it was problematic to place the zipper because of the small size, however I managed it 💪🏽.

It is ideal to keep coins, bills or keys. Practical for quick outings.

Es ideal para guardar monedas, billetes o llaves. Práctico para salidas rápidas.



A handmade work, which I enjoyed, and where creativity was the main ingredient.

Un trabajo confeccionado a mano, el cual disfrute, y dónde la creatividad fue el ingrediente principal.

InShot_20220312_224905498.jpg The dimensions of this piece are 13cm high and 9cm wide. These are its final measurements.

I hope it serves as inspiration.

Espero les sirva de inspiración.

What did you like the most about the little house?

¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó de la casita?


Edited whit Gifshop

Visítame en @pantuflasycojines Creamos espacios confortables y divertidos.

¡Saludos mPB!

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Imágenes propiedad de @pcojines
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