I can't wear what the other ladies are wearing.

Hello Hive.


Its another beautiful new week and its relieving to see that we are still alive in good health and sound mind.
Regardless of all the accidents, health challenges and everything ravaging the world we still stand our grounds to work for our daily meals and still find a good reason to be creative.

Sometimes ugly situations won't allow us to sew or use our minds for anything creative and positive thing.
Nevertheless if you are still able to come around, we appreciate and celebrate you and pray that you will live in peace and safety anywhere you are around the world.

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Well today I did just a simple task thinking that I might be able to sew some crop top for myself of the remnant or the fabrics I have worked with last Monday.

For every pieces of clothes I find a good use for it instead of allowing it to stay and not be useful.
This was barely a yard and crop top will be fine for it.


It will be sexy to sew something exposing the naval and probably sew it tight and fitted.
But when I started working, I realized that I can't wear what every other ladies out there wears.
I have a very large belle button and it is not sexy to expose that right πŸ€“πŸ˜πŸ€“πŸ˜‚



It is not like I am trying to be too religious but I have received some serious home trainings that my conscience has been fixed on what decency is all about.
Decency means different thing to different individuals and while some could expose their bust, cleavage, thighs and still feel decent, I don't feel comfortable showing my naval and trust me you don't wanna see it too πŸ€“


Since my crop top was short, I felt that buying and sewing some fringe around the edges and hem might make this beautiful and acts like a cover for my waist like but it seems like am wrong.

I bought 2yards of the fringe for $2 and after sewing everything I still don't feel comfortable with it like this. I cant wear this outside the house or like a casual outfit.

I love the fringe around the edges already but I may have to find some extra coverage underneath while leaving the fringe still attached here


What does been decent in dressing mean to you and do you feel not comfortable when you see ladies exposing their bodies?..

Thank you for your time and engagements here, I hope that we will have a nice day engaging with everyone in their blog

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