Meriput slinger from Splinterlands

Hello guys I am here again in this community after a week do you remember what I made last time yeah it was a tiny floral embroidery I am very glad to see that it was well appreciated by the community members but this time I am going to make something new this time I have decided to make embroidery of splinterland art I know you guys all are familiar with this game this time I am going to make art from one of their latest card the latest rebellion edition.


Now let's discuss that how I made this beautiful embroidery with step by step explanation.

  • Now let's start from the first step for making the sketch of the figure I have used dark black pointer just far out lining and maintaining the area required for each part of the desired figure.
  • For making the skin of the character I have used grey colour just as we can see in the original splinterlands art as the skin of the character is great so I am going to make it Grey just keep making straight stitch on the whole body.

  • This is the image I captured after making the both sides of the cat in this article I will call the character as cat as it is easy and convenient as well as understandable rather than I use that complex name I mentioned in the topic.

  • After making that with white thread I made the central part of the face and eyes as you can see that is our kind are complex suffer that I have used three colour threads blue black and white.
  • When the face will be completed I start making the cap which is of two colours to be honest I was not understanding what colour is in between those red strips so I used green colour it was Kindle tough and first I started making with double thread but later I realized that it is going to be more thick so then I use single thread for making the remaining figure.
  • I captured this image write after completing the cap of the character and now I will explain how I made two years and the area above.
  • For making the year old interior of the ear which is visible in the original splinterlands art with colour is dark pink luckyly I got the hot pink colour and I used it for making the interior of ear.
  • At this stage the figure is almost completed only the moustache are left for making it I use a very thin black and the single thread for outlining those.
  • One more image during the procedure the only tip will I give is just to keep making it I have made this whole figure by using straight stitch it is most easiest among all kind of stitches.

    Final look✴️ 😁

    That's it guys this was all for today's article I hope you guys would have enjoyed it and like always I am expecting that community members will also appreciate my hardware don't forget to give your suggestions below see you next time.

    Original Splinterlands card
3 columns
2 columns
1 column