A lotus pond | Needlework Monday

I am here again after a week and my this post is for the participation of the contest of needle work Monday and I am very glad that how much appreciation I received last time, do you remember guys what I made previous Monday yeah it was a blooming bush which I created with two simple stitches straight stitch and French button stitch and the final look was quite satisfying and this time I am again making something new in this friendly community I have made this time miniature scenery with the help of threads including a pond of lotus in which a sailor is sailing a boat, as it is the rule of this community don't forget to share the original art source of inspiration actually I was finding some floral embroidery on Pinterest and I found something unique here don't forget to check it out and appreciate the real piece of art now let's get start how I made this adorable miniature piece of art.


  • In the first step I made a round sphere with the help of a tool and fill the sphere with blue colour you can choose light sky colour or other shades of blue but I choose medium blue 🔵 to create the pond.

  • Now it is time to play with threads first of all I made a raft on the surface of pond and it makes me quite trouble in early when I realised that after drawing the colour it has become more thick and it is hard for needle to pass through it but somehow I did it.

  • On one side of the boat I created some flower with the help of red thread in my opinion they are supposed to be lotus flower aren't they beautiful.

  • Hair real work begins yeah your right it took more time then I had expected for making those friends note stitch which are supposed to be Lotus plants as it is an birds eye view of contains a boat flouring on a bond with a lot of lotus flower and Lotus habitat.

  • Now again and again and again just keep going and making notes on the whole sides of sphere remember I did more pic on the outer side of this fear rather than the middle as when the raft the leaves of lotus desperate so around the bird it is supposed to be naked pond.

  • The figure is almost finished just the boatman is left to be made.

Final look ⭐😁

That's it guys this is all for this contest I hope you guys will like this like always I did my best to give you a better and nice stuff in this community don't forget to give your suggestions below see you next time.

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