What do you do when you can't find a whale?

What do you do when you can't find a whale on Hive? Simple, you make one yourself at home.

Yesterday this came up on my YouTube feed. I thought this would be great little project to take a break away from the virtual world. It looked simply enough and I fancied a whale at home. I wasn't going to become one on Hive.

This took me about three hours to crotchet, and trust me, it is very simple. In fact I might make a few more and build up my army of whales at home. I heard we lost a few yesterday .

First of all, I made a pair of tail and a pair of fins. The larger one on the left are the tails.

Next is the body, you just go round and round and round. Easy peasy. This is my second amigurumi, and I've learnt to add a marker to the end of the round. This worked really well as I did 24 rounds in total. The first 16 rounds is the blue body, then I switched over to white yarn for the belly.

About half way through, I had to sew on the tail, fins, eyes and fill the whale belly before I close it.

Here's the tails and fins done.


On no!!! When I turned the whale inside out, I discovered that I had sewn on the white yarn that will be used to close up the whale!! The loop in the right is where I'm supposed to continue to crotchet, and the rest of the white yarn is on the left. I must have nipped the white yarn by mistake when I sewed on the tail. Luckily this wasn't too big a problem, just a silly rookie mistake. All I had to do was to cut the yarn and rejoin the two bits and continue.

The pattern calls for a pair of safety eyes. I didn't have any and I wasn't going to go out to the shops to get some. I decided to crotchet some instead. It worked just as well and I could choose whatever colour I like. I decided on dark green for nature.

Then I started to feed my whale with stuffing. That's the white soft stuff, not what you put inside roast turkey! Closing it up was the final step.

Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to Whitebush the whaley!!!


He's a very clever whaley and can stand on his own feet already. However, Whitebush is just a newbie baby whale starting off, so doesn't have any power yet.


Talking of newbies, I'm starting a project for newbies soon and I'm very excited about it. It's a very simple project but I think it will be very useful for newbies joining Hive, and for oldies as well. I've got a small team together, some very knowledgeable Hivers who know what they're doing on Hive and I hope to launch the project in the next few weeks. Stay tuned on my account so you won't miss it when it starts.

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