New Normal vs Crocheter

Creativity is the best skills a crocheter should possess. In every situation or event, we crocheter will able to create something in order to meet what is expected. It is how we react on certain things that sorrounds us.

Due to pandemic, we all are obliged to follow the ‘new normal’. A mask is a must! That is the rule.

So what do you expect a crochter will do?
Will, make our own version of facemasks! Actually I just found out some of my crochet friends on FB posted their version of crochet facemasks. And I found this pattern passed on my wall.

Below are some of my works that I was able to sell. Many have asked for this kind of mask the moment I posted this on my FB account.


I used mercerized cotton and 2mm hook and took me almost an hour to finish one. I also used garterized earloop for adjustment. It has a lining inside where you can insert tissue for more layer of protection.

Then eventually, it evolves into something more beautiful and elegant. I was amazed when I saw this video tutorial from easy crochet on youtube my friend Jing shared. It's called 'The braided puff stitch facemask'. Here's the link:

Jing also shared how she managed to use the video of ingalutsinulid in youtube on how to make adjustable earloops in facemask with beads and tassels.

Now, this is how it looks. My version of crochet adjustable mask with beads and tassels.



Note: Surgical masks is still the best when it comes to your safety.

And that's all for today. Have a blessed Sunday everyone.

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