MY SECRET WEAPON TO ATTRACT CLIENTS || Crocheted Heart Earrings Tutorial

(Edited on Canva)

Aside from making and selling crocheted earrings, I also crochet wearables like tops, shorts, skirts, bikinis, and more, as some of you may know. As years passed, my imagination deepened my creativeness through my experience. And there are 4 things that I must share with you, being a seller for a decade had gained my ideas as to how my clients react to the things I made. I consider this as a secret weapon to attract and arouse the interest of the clients.

  1. COLOR: Before, I was happy already making one color in all my crocheted products, as long as the design looks good. But as time goes by, I noticed it also to some fellow sellers that COLORS really play a big role in promoting your products. So I started to mix and match some colors. At first, two colors only, then made it to three until I could use all the colors in a rainbow. But it doesn't mean you just have to pick any colors you want. No. They should complement each other and not overrule each other. I always use the gradient color or the ascending/descending of colors from dark to light (like from yellow to orange to red to maroon). Pastel colors could be a great color combination too. Most of the clients especially teenagers like colorful items. Color is the first thing to catch the attention of your clients.

  2. DESIGN: Your designs will tell your level of experience, and expertise. It doesn't have to be a complex one but a unique and rare design could attract customers that are not new to crochet.

  3. NEAT & CLEAN: Another quality needed for your product to excel is that it should be neat and clean. No clients will order again if your works are not of good quality, no matter how the colors are perfectly combined or how exquisite the design you have.

  4. GOOD PICTURE PRESENTATION: A good picture of your products will be your best tool for reaching more clients online. No matter how beautiful the color you use in your products, how pretty your designs and how neat and clean your products are, if you can't capture them all in a picture, you can't win their interest.

  5. POSITIVE ATTITUDE: A seller should possess a positive vibe when talking to clients. You will always make them special, give them options and be honest about what you can only do. Be honest also with the time frame especially if the clients want the product in a short time. It's not good to accept orders even if you can't make it on time and just ask forgiveness if the time frame given is over. Your credibility as a good seller will be a plus to your customers.

I'm hoping that these tips will help you on your journey in selling your craft. I will be glad if you could add some to the comment section so the others especially those who are planning to sell their crafts.

On the other hand, I would like to share also here a crocheted heart earrings tutorial and how I used those tips on this product. It's easy and very quick to make.


  • spun polyester of 3 different colors - see how they complemented each other
  • 1.5mm crochet hook
  • scissors
  • jumping or small metal rings
  • earring hook
  • long-nose pliers

How to do it?

First, make the magic circle, chain 1, half double crochet (1), and double crochet 7 times.

After that, continue with 2 chains (this will be your bottom part of the heart) then double crochet again 7 times, 1 half double crochet, 1 single crochet, then slip stitch to the same magic circle. After that, pull the end yarn to tighten your circle inside.

Cut the yarn and tie both ends on the back of the heart.

Repeat the procedure with the other colors.

Then use the long nose pliers to twist the opening of the small metal ring and attach the 2 hearts to connect and then close again by twisting back the metal ring. Finally, put on the earrings hook on the top of the heart.

And this is how it looks like. I admit that the design may not seems unique and rare, but for me the color complement each other and it looks neat and clean as what the picture had presented.

Love lots,

Note: I'm selling these babies, and if you're interested, message me on Instagram or Facebook page. Links below.🥰



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