(Edited on Canva)

It's been a month already since my last post here in hive especially here in the Needleworkmonday community. I've been busy doing all the MTOs specifically the crocheted flower bouquets. But despite all the busyness, I honestly haven't felt any tiredness or boredom as I was having fun whenever I make them. Truly, when you do something with great passion and love, the outcome will be exceedingly beautiful.

I got a total of 3 orders of flower bouquets in the past 2 weeks and was very glad about it. Every time I received a flower bouquet order, it gives me excitement as to how it will look after.

The 1st order comes from a graduating student to be gifted to herself.

I remember when I started bouquets my crochet skills in making flowers just this January 2023, and I honestly had a hard time wrapping my 1st, 2nd, 3rd bouquets 'till I don't remember how many flower bouquets I had wrapped.

As time goes by, my wrapping style had improved and I'm loving the idea of wrapping more bouquets in the future.

I used a snowdrop mesh wrapper to add a fancy look to my bouquets and it looks fantastic, isn't it?

This was the 2nd order from a mother to be given to her daughter who graduated cum laude(high honor).

I also bought dried gypsophila online (Shopee) and tried to add it to my flower bouquets. This was my first time incorporating some dried flowers into my crocheted flower bouquets but definitely not the last. Because I'm loving the final look of it. Like I can't take my eyes for a long time and enjoy her beauty.

A random customer who ordered for her friend.

At that moment, I was just smiling while looking at it. My heart was so full.

I had grown my flowers in my hands (pots), control their growth rate, and choose whatever color I want for them.

Practice really makes you perfect. Though I'm not that too good but I'm happy that I am indeed improved!


When I'm done with my last flower bouquet, I saw this post: FOCUS YOUR NEEDLEWORK CHALLENGE here in this community when @crosheille had mentioned my name. And when I read the whole content, I decided to participate and somehow give some tips on how I showcased my crochet flower bouquets on my social media accounts.

Since I'm into online selling, good and quality pictures are my key to attracting more customers aside from making sure that my flower bouquets are way more attractive in actuality.

I only used my cellphone (realme C25) when taking pictures. No high-end camera. But I made sure that I follow everything below.

  1. Make sure that the weather is fine with the sun shining brightly outside. Whenever it's gloomy or dark outside, I would postpone my pictorial session and wait for Mister Sun to show and spread her light. The natural light of the sun is a big plus.

  2. When displaying the flower bouquets for pictorials, I used white colored cloth or white fur fabric to enhance the color of my crochet products. Just like what we saw on catalogs or on a website that sells their products online, most of them used white backgrounds.

  3. Before I started to take a picture, I make sure to clean or wipe the lens of the back camera of my phone with the use of fabric. It should be clear as we don't like blemishes on our images.

  4. During pictorials, I also take a lot of pictures with different angles, and by the way, my phone has a special feature that lets you choose the perfect shade of your items.

  5. After that, I choose those photos with good quality and delete those that were not.

I don't have much idea about editing pictures like using some tools, healing, or taking the blur to make it clearer. I just follow those steps above.

I also take a video of my last flower bouquet and I find it amazing. So I decided to make some screenshots from that video and here are they.

I set this one as my phone's wallpaper.☺️

If you reach this far, thank you and I hope I had given you the satisfaction of how I captured all the images above. πŸ₯°

God bless everyone.

Yours truly,

@jonalyn2020 😘😘😘

Kung nagustuhan mo ang aking sinulat ngayon, pakipusuan mo naman. πŸ˜πŸ˜‰

For orders, please message me or visit these links.



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