
It's almost a month now since my last post and I did miss sharing my craft here. My last post was about me buying a quilt book in the past that I had never tried following any project that book had. So I decided to give it a try and since my mom used to have boxes of scrap fabric from sewing, I planned to ask her some when I visit home.

I occasionally visit my parent's house and one time I asked her for some fabric scraps. But mom had given me beautiful lace fabric scraps that I think would be nicer to make a dress fit to Dalia (my pretty doll).


The white mesh fabric is a bit longer and I can make a lot of something out of it.

The pink fabric is thin and can be a good lining for the dress.

And the light pink lace fabric with flower embroidery decorated with tiny pink sequins is exceptionally beautiful for the outer designs of gowns.

So instead of trying a quilt, as the original plan, I think I have to postpone it for a while and make this one a priority. Why? Because the laces are too beautiful and are suited for fancy dresses or gowns. So please pardon me if I ain't doing any quilt for now.


This is what the edge looks like. It measures 33 inches and was thinking about what to make using this pretty fabric.


Saw some of these designs too being cut already about 10 pieces I think.


And I think I could sew them on the skirt area.

I don't have any thought of what will be the overall design of Dalia's gown. But I know that it would be an umbrella-cut skirt on the bottom.😅 So I started cutting the fabric using the scissor and wanted to start on the skirt.

By the way, if you will notice the date in every picture that I am showing you now, was dated last July 5, 2023. It was really meant to share it here in Needleworkmonday at that time also but wasn't able to make it since I received crochet flower bouquets orders at that time. Then another order had been placed plus I had this feeling again that when prolonged exposure to cellphones due to reading and posting on social media (since I'm into selling) makes my eyes and head hurt. I also feel like having nausea. So what I did was to limit my time using my phone but cannot avoid it totally since I'm also the one who responded to inquiries whenever someone would ask about how to order my flower bouquets.

Anyway, let me proceed to the procedures on how I make the skirt area. I forgot to take a picture of the materials I used that time but I will just mention all of them as I will tell you how it was done.


First, I cut the two fabrics (mesh white and pink fabric) and made two squares of the same size.



I then folded it like these and cut the tip or the center of the square and the bottom of it.


Here, as you can see, the white mesh fabric was a bit longer than the pink one as it will be our lining.


This is how it looks after.


I find it hard to sew the edge of the skirt so I decided to burn it with the use of a lighter.

I was a little bit worried as to what will it look like after since I'm not really used to sewing dresses. It might go wrong and that would waste the beautiful fabric. But still hoping I could make it as if I'm sewing it for a customer. 😅


I then placed 4 of the designs from the lace fabric. I was thinking of sewing the edges of these embroidered designs to our mesh white fabric using the needle.


But then, I ended up sewing only one as it takes time plus I'm thinking of using the other embroidered designs for other dresses, my dress perhaps because I really like it. 🥰 Though I haven't any specific design of dress that I was thinking of at that moment. 😅


After that, I sew the waistband of the skirt and put some automatic snap buttons on the back of it.

Seeing the skirt done, makes me very happy. It looks fantastic and surreal.

By the way, I took Dalia's head at that time as I was afraid to ruin her long beautiful hair every time I fit her skirt.

The side view.


Honestly, I don't know what design I should be making. Since Dalia was so small, it would be harder to sew her top. I also wanted to finish it sooner so I decided that a tube will do.


But then I don't want to sew little details so I just cut this one.

Curious about what it would be like.

Then keep scrolling. 😅


I don't want her to have a plain top so I also cut a small embroidery design from the lace fabric to design the front of her top.


And voila! Beautiful isn't it? 🥰 I was smiling that time just staring at my work. I wonder if I will be able to do it in my size.

Curious again about how I did the top?


Nah, I just tie it like that. 🤣
Then I realized I could cut the top longer so I could make a ribbon on her back. But I'm tired already and wanted to have a pictorial. So I just let it be like that.


I want to take pictures of every detail of her new outfit so I put back Dalia's head again.






Pictorial (Outside)

I enjoyed taking pictures of Dalia with her new outfit outside. She's beautiful, her outfit was awesome, and the background was perfect.

Taking a pose on the bonsai tree.

Enjoying the tall grass.😅




And that's all for today. I hope you all like my tutorial and I also wanted to know your thoughts about it. God bless everybody and happy Monday.🥰

Yours truly,

@jonalyn2020 😘😘😘

Kung nagustuhan mo ang aking sinulat ngayon, pakipusuan mo naman. 😍😉

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