Presentation Makes a Difference

I went to one of my sister’s house to use her embroidery machine. We have a sister with a birthday coming up. I had already decided that I would embroider a towel for my sister along with a spa head wrap. My younger sister who I was visiting sells things to others so she has a lot of “packaging” items in her home. She gave me some of her packages and also helped me with the presentation of my gift.

Wow! My gift looks like I bought it from a boutique somewhere. I used a fancy font with hot pink thread to to personalize the name on a gray bath towel.


I used the same colors throughout the packaging and other gifts in the basket.


I used tear-away stabilizer on the back and water soluble stabilizer on the top. I used a spray bottle to put water on top of the embroidered area. The water soluble stabilizer comes right off with just a mist of water.


My sister gave me two other items that I could include in my gift basket. A hot pink exfoliating bath glove, and a facial mask. My last step was to make everything look pretty in a basket.


I added tissue paper that matched my color scheme, and used clear cellophane envelopes for the glove and spa head wrap. I used a larger bag made of a porous net fabric for the towel.

Finally, I used a large cellophane bag that covered everything and added a bow on the side. I never would have put all of those items together for a gift. I am not that creative on my own. This really taught me that presentation can make a tremendous difference in a gift. I will make more of an effort to make my gifts look nice in the future.

Enjoy your day.


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