A little brecelate for myself. With orange and white colour wool

Hello guys. I am happy to be here and post something new to show you all my work as well. I had low battery thats why i could not post early.
But all the same i am happy that nepa brought light an i am able to put this little handmade brecelate here and the process as well. I hope that my little process will help somebody to do something like this someday.

First of all i assmble the materials that i am to used for this beautiful brecelate which is white wool and orange wool then the knitting pin and scissors.

So i first of started by removing the wool orange woll and rolling it aroung my finger.
Then i did a small circle witg the strain off the wool.
I did a single crochet.
I did a puff puff crochet inside the circle after the single crochet. Then i used the knitting pit to do a single crochet at the top after the puff puff crochet.

Then i started the next step which is doing the same puff puff crochet at the top of the first puff puff crochet and then i did a single croxhet at the top.
I continued doing the puff puff crochet at the top of each last one till it was long and handy for a brecelate.

After i finished with the orange puff puff crochet i started using the white wool to do a double crochet all round the orange puff puff crochet, i did the first side which was the left side and then after that i moved to the right side of it.
I crochet it till i wass done with it.

So at this point the brecelate is ready to be used and rocked with an orange dress of a mixture of white dress and orange.
Please drop your sweet comment and lovely encouragement for me.
Thanks all.

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