Managing Sewing Posture to prevent body pain & I designed another Chic Skirt

A lovely week to you all creative hivers,

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I know it's uncommon for most workers, but who else is excited about every Monday? Well, I am, apart from it being an ironically rest day for me, it's also a #NeedleworkMonday where I get to share what I've been up to in my sewing space with you all, and it's a kind of motivation for me to get busy being creative.

Lately, I've been having some throbbing back pain, which I'm guessing should be a result of working round the clock for some weeks now, on different sewing projects, and pain meds seem to be of little help because as soon as It effect wears off, the pain continuous from where it stopped, I've been prescribed different pain meds and nothing seems to be working, I love to sew, and I don't want this pain stopping me from doing what I love to do.


It was so severe one day that I couldn't help but rant to a friend and she recommended I talk to a mutual friend who happens to be a physiotherapist, after the talk, I found a relief, apparently, my sewing posture and the chair I use in sewing is the culprit. She also suggested I up my calcium intake, I got enlightened that as one gets older, our body's calcium tends to decrease especially after several childbirths, so it is important for us to eat food that contains calcium to make us for the loss, also a safe supplement can help, just make sure to get an approval from your doctor.


What I do now that has greatly helped in reducing the pain is to place a pillow right at my back as a support and also be conscious of my sitting position while sewing, I'm just happy to meet with Veronica, the physiotherapist, and also my newfound friend. If you've ever experienced the same, I would love you to share how you manage to be free of those body pains especially due to sitting for hours while sewing, crocheting, or whatever you do.

In my last needlework post, I shared about the black cooperate skirt I made for my sister in case you missed it, today I will also be sharing the making process of another beautifully designed skirt, all for the aim of revamping my younger sister's wardrobe to suite her adult work life, and cooperate wears are important in this part of the world for office workers, especially for Monday-Thursday, Fridays are less strict on dress rules as long as you dress modestly.

I made use of a check material this time, it's also a straight skirt with unique pleat details at the front, that can be worn with a shirt or any blouse of her choice to give that cooperate look.


I started drafting a straight skirt pattern on paper, I didn't draft directly on the fabric because of the front pleat details which I achieved through a splash and spread method.


Using the paper pattern, I transferred and cut out the back pattern of the skirt on fabric, adding the extra allowance for zip.


Before slashing, I divided the pattern into two by the left dart side


This is how I slashed and spread the right cit out front pattern before transferring it to the fabric,


Here, I have pleated the spread fabric and also joined the left side to it, and the band as well.


I joined the front to the back side, and the waistband all around.


I also fixed the zipper on the back side

To give it a final touch, I sewed buttons to the joined area of the front, and here is the final look



Beautiful, isn't it?

She loves it as well and wants more hehe.

All images used in this post are mine

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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