A Monster in the Making


Happy NeedleWorkMonday!

Yesterday was a very relaxed day where we lazied around at home and stayed cool. We attended a birthday party outside at a water park the previous day and the sun zapped all of our energy. I figured it was a good day to grab my hook and needles and do absolutely nothing else.

My eldest son has been asking me to crochet him a monster for the longest. I told him that once I finished those baby gifts it would be his turn. He kept watching in anticipation to see when I would finish those gifts lol.

He’s the one I’ve wrote about several times telling you how he’s been fascinated with monsters since his toddler years. He’s drawn them and also made them with legos and other various things.

one of his drawings

He has quite the imagination when it comes to these creatures.

The thing is, we were supposed to design a monster together. He drew out a simple plan for me to follow and create and I brainstormed some ideas on how to start. I sat with the yarn and hook for some time and tried to figure out a way to get things going…yea it didn’t happen.

One thing I’m learning about myself is I don’t have the patience right now to come up with my own patterns. I know that’s eventually a goal of mine but right now is not a good time for me to.

I don’t know maybe it’s the whole raising and homeschooling five kids thing that’s got me feeling this way?! My mind, my time and my energy are always occupied and I don’t have the mentality to sit there and write down steps as I constantly frog my work trying to get it right.

Here’s what I figured. My son could care less whether it’s my own pattern or not, he just wants a soft monster friend to add to his collection. So I handed him my phone with a page full of Pinterest monster patterns and told him to pick one. 😆

I knew he would pick one that had one big eye or three small eyes cause that’s how he rolls. I was happy when I saw his choice of this small amigurumi because I knew I could get it done. I’m even surprising him with two instead of one. 😌

Making the body parts went pretty fast. All I have left for this first one is to sew the arms and eye on, stuff the parts and then make the hair.


It’s body (belly and face) was all crocheted together with the legs. You crochet one leg and then tie it off. After finishing the second leg you chain 3 and then slip stitch the second leg on. You then continue crocheting around that leg and onto the next to connect them.

After stuffing and adding on the arms I’ll proceed with stuffing the legs, belly and face.


My son is watching the entire process and was amazed at how quick this worked up. He’s so funny because when I asked him what color eye he wanted he said red. I’m not surprised because he usually makes or plays with the “bad” monsters and his siblings are the good monsters that come in and save the day. 😄


Of course now my two youngest sons are putting in their requests too. Don’t be surprised if my blog is full of monster work for the next several Monday’s. 🫣🤭

I don’t mind at all because it’s fun and I want to spoil my kids with needlework while they are still young and enjoy it. They appreciate my needlework skills way more than I did my mom’s growing up and that makes me happy.

You know what’s creepy? I haven’t even connected the arms and hands yet and this monster is already grabbing onto stuff 😳😬😲…



For now, I’ll continue enjoying and appreciating patterns created and shared by talented people. Who knows if I will ever have the patience or keep the desire of wanting to make my own? I’ll just take advantage of the ones already out there until that time comes.

Stay tuned next week to see the finished project along with the pattern info. I look forward to you seeing how cool it’s hair will be. 😎

All photos are my own!

See Ya Soon!
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