DIY How I Quenched Anger at Home through Crocheting of Earring

Hello Hivers.

Because of much work this week from my shoemaking office, I decided to take some rest at home today thinking that I would have enjoyed the break but it turned bad for me as my wife was not really at home.


I will be specific with you about what got me upset and how I was able to resolve it by crocheting an earring because I don’t really know why some landlords will collect rent from a tenant and forget to carry out some of their responsibilities in managing and maintaining the house.

Yesterday, it happened that where I and my family is leaving as a tenant that water stopped rushing inside the house and I and other tenant leaving in the same apartment called the attention of the house agent (lawyer) but he told us that he will fix the whole stuff today. Unfortunately this morning, I decided not to go to work while I have to buy water with money from a far water supply house for my wife to use and go to work.


The funniest part of it is that the water I bought in the morning got finished then I have to call the attention of the agent guy handling the house. He told me this afternoon that he has no money to buy a unit for the house because we’re using a prepaid meter. I and some other tenant recalled that for a few months now that the agent has been refusing to pay or buy a unit for the house any time I got finished but this was not part of the tenant and landlord agreement.


A few hours ago, I have to call for a meeting with another tenant leaving in the same apartment but refused to contribute or say anything concerning the water issue in the house. When the meeting started, everything was going normal not until when one new tenant uttered a word that the tenant leaving in the house is supposed to be paying for water. Another tenant attacked her based on her statement but my greatest surprise was that the meeting was canceled as people left the gathering out of anger.

What annoyed me was that after the other tenants left the meeting, I called the attention of the girl who uttered the wrong statement but she ignored I called to an extent of insulting me by accusing me that I and the other tent do not know our right in the house. Her statement got me provoked that I got confused and never knew what to do.


I checked on calling my wife from work but that was not a good option, I have to decide on crocheting earrings to keep myself busy and also enable me to forget all that happened today. I am grateful that as I was crocheting the earring, I was just remembering the face of my wife and little kid which made me completely forget about the different characters of humans.


The material and tools used in making the earring are as follows:

Yarn which I value most in every other material is given out the best design of the earring, I also used different colors of yarn in crocheting the earring.

The earring buckle is also a valued material that I used to crochet along with yarn in order to give the earring a full and colorful design.


A yarn pin is a valued tool used for crocheting the earring.

Scissors are also a valued tool in crocheting but I specifically use them for the cutting of yarn after I finished the crocheting of the earring.

A lighter is a tool that I used to light out a fire in order to trim the mouth of the yarn after crocheting.


Procedures for the crocheting of the earring are as follows:

I already have the materials at home.

I decided on the design to give the earring.

I decided on the color and number of yarn to combine for the earring.

I started my crocheting using a yarn pin with the help of the earring buckle.

After the crocheting of the earring, I have trim the mouth of the yarn used.


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