Adding a Zipper to My Rug

I know it’s not Monday, but I ordered a new hoodie in a darker color (less likely to stain) so I can redo this post and feel good about it. Hopefully I’ll have the zipper sewn in in-time to post that one on Monday.

This was my favorite hoodie. I wore it every day, regardless if it was appropriate or not.

…but lately i had noticed i was getting hot in my hoodie. Maybe it was because it was spring? Not sure, but there was clearly only one solution, which was to add a zipper.

You can easily tell from the inside, that this was actual (hand) needlework…not SKILLED needlework mind you, but perhaps FUNCTIONAL. The difference is pretty significant in terms of life expectancy of the work and overall aesthetic, but in terms of “getting the job done,” there’s little to no difference between skilled and functional. One major difference is that a functional job will likely need to be repaired sooner than a skilled job.

As you can see, it does zip, although since adding the zipper I’ve pretty much been keeping it open all the time.

Another thing I noticed was that the white threads in certain areas (like on the pocket) were beginning to stain brown from rubbing against my work bench. I wash the hoodie very frequently to help break it in/soften it, so I know the stains dont go away when I wash it - so i decided to dye the hoodie brown and see if it can look ok.

…I can’t honestly tell. I want so badly to say that it came out nice and it looks like an intentionally brown hoodie, but that voice in the back of my head keeps saying “bro, it just looks grungy AF.” Lol

What do you think? If you didn’t know it used to be a lighter color, would you be able to tell? Does it look more dirty? Or intentionally brown?

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


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