Summer linen shirt / 夏のリネンのシャツ

Hello Needle Work Monday friends! I'm happy to be back to here after a while with my new linen shirt I finished last weekend.

Last year I sewed a shirt with a linen fabric. I really liked its comfy simple casual style and wore it a lot over the summer.

Summer shirt made from a summer dress

Since the fabric was from my old dress and I wore both frequently, it got a hole in the end of the season ...

I wanted to sew another linen shirt and seeing fabric for a while. I found and bought one at one of my favorite fabric stores in the town. But after I washed it before sewing, I noticed that it can be too thick for a shirt at least for the one I sewed last year 😅

I changed my plant to make more like a pullover style one. I took out my favorite sewing book that is specific to sewing linen clothes.

It worked well ... just I bought the fabric too tightly so the sleeves are a bit shorter than the one on the book. It's OK, it's summer and that's sewing 😉

I wear a tank top underneath but it can be also worn as it is in the hot summer time. Or I can wear long sleeve shirt in spring/autumn.

I'm glad that I could find the way to use the linen fabric and have a new comfy linen shirt.

I still look for a thinner linen fabric to sew the one I made last year though. I wonder where I can by my dream linen or linen-cotton fabric. I saw some stores reduced the variety of fabric they have at their real stores. Probably because people buy more online. Even I visited a quite large fabric store, I couldn't find any ...

I ordered some samples from an organic fabric shop where I frequented visited when I was living in Berlin. This shop was closed after the COVID-19 and is now only an online shop. But I appreciate that they continue online.

Siebenblau - Dein Shop für Bio-Stoffe, GOTS-zertifiziert

That's my Needle Work Monday. Happy Needle Work Monday & have a great week 🌻

🧵 🧵 🧵 🧵 🧵

昨年、リネンのワンピースをシャツに作り替えて、デザインと着心地とても気に入って毎日のように着ていたら、シーズンの終わりには裾に穴が開いてしまいました 😅

Summer shirt made from a summer dress / 新しい夏のシャツを作りました


生地屋さんで生地を買ってきて、縫う前に洗ってみるとなんだか生地厚いぞ・・・・・・・・・・・😱 買う時にちょっとそんな気もしていたんです。ということで、計画変更、もうちょっとプルオーバーっぽい感じのシャツを作ることにしました。

数年来のお気に入りの『FLW sewing & styling』というリネンの洋裁本を出してきて、デザインをぱらぱらみているといい感じのデザインがありました。頼りになる一冊です。




ベルリンに住んでいた時に足しげく通っていたオーガニックの生地屋さんにいくつかサンプルを注文してみました。このお店もコロナ禍を経て閉店してオンラインショップだけになってしまったんですよね 😢

Siebenblau - Dein Shop für Bio-Stoffe, GOTS-zertifiziert


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